What Is Amazon EC2 Private IP, Public IP And Elastic IP Address
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*What Is Amazon EC2 Private IP, Public IP And Elastic IP Address*
🎥: https://youtu.be/FVwfjARrhFI
0:00 – Intro
0:55 – What is Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing
2:08 – What is Private IP Address
3:34 – What is Public IP Address
5:13 – What is Elastic IP Address (EIP)
7:23 – What is Private IP vs Public IP
8:02 – What is Public IP vs Elastic IP
9:58 – Thank You!
*What Is Amazon EC2 Private IP, Public IP And Elastic IP Address*
Let’s break down the concepts of Amazon EC2 Private IP, Public IP, and Elastic IP:
1. *Private IP Address*:
– Every Amazon EC2 instance is assigned a private IP address by default.
– This IP address is used for internal communication within the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
– Private IPs are only accessible within the VPC or between connected VPCs in the same network region.
– They are used for communication between instances, load balancers, databases, and other services within the VPC.
2. *Public IP Address*:
– When you launch an EC2 instance, by default, it may also be assigned a public IP address.
– Public IP addresses allow instances to communicate over the internet.
– They are used for inbound and outbound internet traffic.
– Public IP addresses are dynamic by default, meaning they can change if you stop and start the instance unless you use Elastic IP.
3. *Elastic IP Address (EIP)*:
– An Elastic IP address is a static IPv4 address designed for dynamic cloud computing.
– Unlike the default public IP, an Elastic IP address remains associated with your instance until you explicitly disassociate it.
– Elastic IPs are useful for hosting websites, mail servers, or any service where the IP address needs to remain constant.
– They can be quickly remapped to another instance in your account’s VPC.
4. *Differences and Considerations:*
– *Private vs. Public IP:* Private IPs are used for internal communication within the VPC, while public IPs facilitate external communication over the internet.
– *Public IP vs. Elastic IP:* Public IPs are dynamic and may change when an instance is stopped and started, while Elastic IPs remain static until manually released. Elastic IPs are also billed if they are allocated but not associated with a running instance.
In summary, private IPs are used for internal communication within the VPC, public IPs enable internet communication, and Elastic IPs provide a static address for instances, allowing more control over the addressing of your resources in AWS.
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