Computer NetworksNETWORKS

What is an IP Address in Sinhala

Welcome back to a new video of Tracker Minds Tech talks series.

This video is about IP (Internet Protocol) Address in Sinhala. Lets talk about what is an IP and how do we use Internet Protocol Addresses in our day to day life. ✅

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Also watch my other videos :

⭕️ LAN and WAN in Sinhala –

⭕️ Web applications in Sinhala –

⭕️ Mobile application in Sinhala –

⭕️ IOT in Sinhala –

⭕️ UI & UX in Sinhala –

IP address in Sinhala, What is an IP address, Sinhala IP address, Sinhala ITC videos, IP address Sinhala, Sinhala IT videos, what is a IP address


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

6 thoughts on “What is an IP Address in Sinhala

  • aiye, hithannako mama phone eken internet yanawa mobile data use karala. Hebai mobile data iwara unama wifi router ekak use karanawa. Ethakota IP address wenas wenawada.

  • Ayye තව phone එකකින් තවත් එකකට හොස්පොට් වලින් connect කරලා තියෙන කොට අර connect කරලා තියෙන පොන් ඒකේ ip address එකමද ? නැතිනම් පොන් දෙකේ ip address දෙකක්ද

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