Computer NetworksNETWORKS

What is An IPv4 Vs IPv6 Differences ? (IN Hindi)

IPv4 Vs IPv6.
To meet the shortage of IP v 4 internet addresses, a new internet addressing system (IPv 6) is being deployed.
IPv4 is a 32 bit and IPv6 is a 128 bit IP address. IPv4 is a numeric address, its binary bits are separated by dots. While IPv6 it is an Alphanumeric address, whose binary bits are separated by a colons. This also includes hexadecimal.
IPv4 IP addresses are divided into three (unicast, broadcast and multicast) whereas IPv6 is divided into unicast, multicast and anycast parts. IPv4 allows us to store 4 billion IP addresses. About 340 trillion trillion trillion IP addresses can be stored in IPv6, which is a lot. Thank you so much




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.