What is an SNMP GetBulk Request?
To know more about the SNMP protocol, download our white paper https://www.dpstele.com/snmp/tutorial/offer.php
SNMP is a very common communication protocol for remote monitoring systems. That’s because it allows the real-time exchange of information between network devices – and it also allows notifications of events to be sent to technicians.
Every version of this protocol (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3) supports three request types – Get, GetNext and Set. However, the newer versions of SNMP also support an additional request message called GetBulk
In this video, Andrew explains what GetBulk is and how it works.
Talk to Andrew about your SNMP monitoring project at https://www.dpstele.com/dps/contact.php
by DpsTV
simple network management protocol