Computer NetworksNETWORKS

what is ip address v4 (IPv4) and IP address v6 (IPv6) | ipv4 vs ipv6 comparison

#ipaddress #ipv4 #ipv6
in this this video we will covers –
1. what is ip address, why we need IP ( Internet Protocol) address ?.
2. What is Nework ID ?.
3. what is Host ID ?.
4. types of IP Address – IPv4 and IPv6, .
5. How to find range of IP Addresses,
6. what are reserved IP Addresses and
7. how much maximum no of IP Addresses available in IPv4 and IPV6
8. IPv4 Vs IPv6
9. ip address v4 (ipv4) and ip address v6 (ipv6) basics

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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