Computer NetworksNETWORKS

What is IP Address | Versions of IP Address | Public or Private IP Address | Class of IP Address

Hello Friends In this class we will learn about IP Address, Versions of IP Address, Class of IP Address, Public or Private IP Address

आई पी एड्रेस क्या है (What is IP Address in Hindi)
IP address का Full Form है Internet Protocol address. यह एक identifying number होता है एक piece of network hardware का. एक IP address के होने से ये एक device को allow करता है दुसरे devices के साथ communicate करने के लिए एक IP-based network में जैसे की internet.
IP address stands for internet protocol address; it is an identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive information.
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1- What is IP Address
IP Address is a 32 bit binary number used to indicate the location of a computer or other device on a network using TCP/IP. These addresses are similar to those of your house, they allow data to reach the appropriate destination on a network and the Internet.

2- Versions of IP Address
As the Internet an technology evolve, there has been an increasing demand for IP addresses. To help meet the demand for IP addresses, there are two types of addresses used today, IPv4 and IPv6 Although you may only deal with an IPv4 address in your local home, school, or small office you should also be aware of IPv6 addresses for when you encounter them.
Example of an IPv4 address:
Example of an IPv6 address:
3- Public or Private IP Address
Public IP address is the address that is assigned to a computing device to allow direct access over the Internet. A web server, email server and any server device directly accessible from the Internet are candidate for a public IP address. A public IP address is globally unique, and can only be assigned to an unique device.
A private IP address is the address space allocated by InterNIC to allow organizations to create there own private network. The devices residing outside of your local network cannot directly communicate via the private IP address, but uses your router’s public IP address to communicate




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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