NETWORKSTelecom Networks

What is LTE and volte in mobile phone | LTE kya hota hai | volte kya hota hai

What is LTE and volte in mobile phone | LTE kya hota hai | volte kya hota hai | Mobile network

hello friends this video is about our mobile networks that is LTE and volte e in this video I have explained that what is actual meaning of these both terms which is LTE and volte e in your mobile networks so friends in this video I have completely explained in simple words that what is meaning and what is LTE in your wall network and what is volte in your mobile network.

Keywords in this video:-
1. What is LTE and volte in mobile phone
2.LTE and volte in mobile phone in Hindi
3. LTE explained in Hindi
4. volte explained in Hindi
5. What is volte and LTE

#DeepakTechTimes #LTEmobilenetwork


4g lte

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