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What is port number in computer network | What is the use of port number | Full Network Port Explain

What is port number and what is the use of port number in computer networking?
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What is the use of port number?
A port number is a unique ID of protocols available in a computer network. Every protocol in a computer network has a unique ID which is also known as a port number.
Most protocols in computer networks have multiple port number which defines different task. for example, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) has two port number 67 and 68. where port number 67 is used for the server and 68 are assigned to the client PC.

Even POP3 and SMTP have multiple port numbers. POP3 port number 110 is used for non-encryption connection and port number 995 is used for encryption connection (SSL) on the other hand SMTP port number 25 is used for non-encryption connection and port number 465 is used for encryption connection (SSL). This is the basic concept of port numbers in computer networking.

Know more about port number: https://www.learnabhi.com/port-number-networking/

Background Music:
Pyres by Broken Elegance https://soundcloud.com/brokenelegance
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/9xMg_xdpa7w

#networking #networkingbasics #ccna



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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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