what Magnets do to a Hard Drive #shorts

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25 thoughts on “what Magnets do to a Hard Drive #shorts

  • Underclock your cpu until pc don't boot or don't need a cooler.

  • Такое чуство как я слушал ее вчера, хотя это было 7 лет назад

  • I actually did it on my clicking 2.5 laptop HDD and it fixed, I'm still using the HDD until today

  • You wiped the embedded servo head positioning data and the poor actuator no longer has track position reference. It has entered what we used to call the ‘click of death’.

  • i had my hd on the table and i dropped a magnet on it lol rip my ps3 data

  • thats why even its covered and the magnet was stuck on the cover of it because its metal, as long as you dont have a strong magnet or place 2 hard drives each other you should be fine.

  • I’m so sad because I was looking for ways to fix this as I accidentally had a magnet on my bed which my computer was on and it stuck to the hard drive now it’s saying there’s no hard drive

  • Reminder to not try this.

    Once I accidentally I placed my laptop next to a neodymium magnet while I was going to a lake with my dad. Now it is hardly working and lagging. One stupid mistake, leads to long regret.

  • Deep data recovery can still recover your data, don't trust this method to destroy your illegal stuff you're trying to hide from the FBI

  • Have you tried it on a hard drive with the Windows installation

  • What a clown.. running HDD open in dust and says it’s not responding..

  • simply opening the lid requires you to remove a screw on the arm, and that will knock calibration out of wack and immediately fail the drive.

  • That magnet ain’t shit! I have 2 monster magnets and they are both so strong that when I let them snap together, there was sparks and the smaller one shattered

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