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What Neil gained from Cisco Networking Academy after losing 35% of his vision

After losing 35% of his vision due to diabetes and many surgeries later, Neil felt a loss of freedom, mobility, and struggled with needing to rely on others.

After doing well and completing a Cisco IT Essentials course, Neil’s instructor Professor Murray pulled him aside and asked if he wanted to become an Instructor at CAVI in Perth, the Cisco Academy for the Vision Impaired.


cisco academie

3 thoughts on “What Neil gained from Cisco Networking Academy after losing 35% of his vision

  • felicidades por su empeño en enseñar lo que ud. sabe yo me dedico a la instalation of software. change of motherboar and HDD but now whit new change of goverment i have less ouportunity for my espesiality. greetings from mexico

  • Introduce myself I'm Arif Khan harry I'm software engineer and software development and website development and intelligence community and investors software and Network📡

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