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What New Air Force Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp | Boot Camp

We got an inside look at the United States Air Force’s 7.5-week basic military training, or BMT, program. Insider spent four days at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, observing different squadrons at various stages of training. Trainees are instructed in marksmanship, drill, and battlefield first aid. The program culminates in week six with an event known as BEAST (Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training). During BEAST week, trainees live in a simulated combat environment and are tested in various field training exercises and scenarios. We talked to trainees and members of Air Force leadership about the lessons taught in Air Force BMT, along with the humorous nickname bestowed on the Air Force by members of other branches: “Chair Force.”

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What New Air Force Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp | Boot Camp


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39 thoughts on “What New Air Force Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp | Boot Camp

  • All this for most of them to sit in a desk?

  • I heard that AF recruits actually have to get up at 0900. Is that true?

  • I went thru Kackland AFB back in 1987. Flt 800. 3711th BMTS

  • So I want to go into the USAF as a pilot, how would I be able to accomplish that? Thanks for any suggestions in advance!

  • 7 weeks? Weak!! No wonder there called the Chair Force.

  • I went to Air Force Basic in late 2005. Seeing how airmen are trained now, I wish we received this kind of training!

    If our TI wanted a smoke break, had to shine boots in the dayroom. We knew our TI prefered the company of the same gender, but at that time, "Don't Ask; Don't Tell" was in place. It was funny to see some trainees trying to get out of basic by saying they were gay. Didn't work.

  • Hi I'm a cadet in AFJROTC and they train us to do a lot of this stuff already like the 30 commands and the Air Force ranks we are also separated into flights I am currently in bravo

  • My son left today for the Air Force BMT. I'm excited and nervous for him! It's gut wrenching. I can't explain it. I'm happy for him and sad at the same time. Mostly anxiety because ya know, I'm not there for him in person. I know he'll be fine. Life is changing but it's changing for the good is my mindset.

  • I wanted to join the Air Force but now the army is looking pretty good

  • 12 out of 76 is wild. 64 of those bullets ended up where they weren’t supposed to be 😂

  • Just finished BMT and I can definitely say the hardest thing was combatting the heat 😩

  • Im a senior in high school right now and plan to apply as soon as i turn 17 next year any tips 😅?

  • Woah this training too soft compared to coast guard boot camp. They on yo ass as soon as you get on the bus. Here they talking about “nice run, good job” wtf

  • 7 weeks? Weak AF. Parris Island 13 weeks of REAL bootcamp

  • It was only 6 weeks when I went through in 1974, I suppose they have to learn about pronouns and LGBTQ relations for that extra week and a half

  • Leave it to the Air Force to add something to BMT that has no real bearing on the daily mission.

    Take them on a field trip to a base with an active flightline. Maybe teach them the difference between a taxiway and a runway.

    Making basic tougher is fine if it serves a greater purpose.

  • You can tell that Chair Force joke rubs them the wrong way! 🤣😂🤣

  • In 77, it was only 6 weeks. Mostly just classrooms. The rest was just fun stuff. Marching around, getting vaccines, cleaning and more cleaning.
    Some PT and running, shoot targets. I was lucky since I had some college in engineering and machinist school. They let me take a BY-PASS test so I didn't have to go to tech school. I passed it and got a Direct Duty Assignment, flew home, 2 weeks off, reported to my duty station.
    2 months after I started I was working and maintaining a giant fleet of nuclear weapons systems, B-52's, Tankers, T-38's. Got other great assignments, worked A-10's, SR-71 Blackbirds, U-2's and many others. Got years of great education opportunities. Retired with lifetime benefits. It's been awesome ever since.

  • if Air Force basic was so tough for that boy I'm afraid to see what his home life was like.

  • how many push ups are passing during that minute i can barely do 10 so im nervous

  • "During arms training and combat maintenance, trainees learn how to handle and fire an M4 car bean"

  • Good to see they give trainees winter OCPs even in the dead of summer. I went through during the winter so it wasn't too bad, but man, summer in BMT must be a character developing experience.

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