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What You Should Learn Before "Cybersecurity" – 2023

Resources mentioned in video below 👇

📚 Resources:
Complete Introduction to Cybersecurity:
Introduction to Cybersecurity: A Practical Approach to Getting Started (Use INTROCOURSE33 for 33%, -$39.99):
Cybercademy Complete Projects Page:
StationX VIP Membership (Access to 100+ courses, discounted):
FreeCodeCamp Ethical Hacking Playlist:
IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity Specialization on Coursera: IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity Specialization:
HumbleBundle Book Bundles (every few months a cybersecurity bundle is released):
Introduction to Cybersecurity on FutureLearn:
Fundamental of IT – Complete Course || IT course for Beginners by Google on YouTube: Fundamental of IT – Complete Course || IT course for Beginner
PowerCert YouTube Channel:
Cyber Security Full Course for Beginner on YouTube:

⌚ Timestamps:
0:00 – Introduction
0:22 – What You Should Learn before “Cybersecurity”
1:42 – Why You Should Learn the I.T. Fundamentals
3:22 – Where Should You Learn the I.T. Fundamentals
5:07 – Conclusion

🐕 Follow Me:
Cybercademy Discord Server:

🤔 Have questions, concerns, comments?:
Email me:

🎧 Gear:
Laptop (Lenovo X1 Carbon Ultrabook 6th Gen):​​​​​
Monitors (Dell D Series 31.5” D3218HN):​​​​​
Keyboard (Velocifire VM01):​​​​​
Headphones (Audio Technica ATH-M40x):​​​​​
Standing Desk (FlexiSpot Height Adjustable 47 inch):


cisco academie

23 thoughts on “What You Should Learn Before "Cybersecurity" – 2023

  • Random fact you sound like Ben Shapiro in 1.25x speed. Although his words are pronounced a little harsher.

  • Hi, with mba not in cybersecurity,can i land a job in cyber security?planning to take up graduate diploma in cybersecurity…

  • uploaded 2 years ago but it says 2023 in the title???

  • I have a question. I being seeing that alot. But why? Why do all of cybersecurity guys use thinkpad instead of Mac? tell me

  • I started my journey on IT basic fundamentals (hardware and software) since I was in Junior high school way back 2016 but due to financial problems and lack of resources like laptop or pc, I unfortunately stop learning IT fundamentals. It was my dream to be computer literate and gain a lot of knowledge all throughout cyberspace. Currently, I am studying Bachelor of science in Criminology and I hope to regain my knowledge in IT Fundamentals and pursue my dreams even though I still don't have any resources and need to start from scratch 😊

  • is That apply to information Security too.

  • I want to get unto cyber security, I will start learning the fundamentals of IT, however I work a plumber and it’s very hard to work and do school at the same time. I usually start my day around 6:00am and if something goes wrong plumbing wise, I get home around 9:30 even 10:00pm. Any suggestions ? 🙏 Also does anyone knows about any companies that hiring part time IT ? Or even as a volunteer ? ???

  • You make so much sense. I do wonder though why cybersecurity always seems to be conducted in the dark…

  • thankyou soo much this was very helpful!!!

  • I'll be starting my bachelors in cyber security in the next 1 or 2 months. Can u suggest something that I can learn within this time so it will benefit me in my degree?

  • First thing you need to learn is the thinking, mentality and thought process to problem solving with computers, and servers and everything else…….. if you don’t have the thinking and theory down enough to problem solve quickly and easily down you won’t ever make it in this industry….

    This is why everyone teaches the software but not the actual human processes required

  • So true. Its going to super hard to learn and truly understand the fundamentals of cyber without knowing a lot of basic IT. So many cyber jobs assume you've got strong IT skills and can basically sys-admin all your gear. Of course, IT is going to be hard without understanding a bit about most OSs and having experience around them. It kind of snowballs but if you truly want it you can get there.

  • Thank you for getting right to the point at the begging. I’m hitting the like button for that alone

  • Is coding necessary? Do I have to know some of the languages JS, Python etc?

  • I’m wanting to change career to cybersecurity, I’m starting off with learning how to code. I thought this would be the best way to start off, then I would look into the IT fundamentals listed in the video. I was wondering if anyone could advise if this approach is ok? Starting off with teaching myself how to code?

  • You are awesome, the fact that you stored so much information in such a short time is just genius, I love what you are doing, keep up the good work🙌

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