What's new: go.hex.com & HEX-Server explained
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💡 Links from the video
↪︎ IPFS Information
↪︎ IPFS and Brave Browser
↪︎ Link for go.hex.com frontend on ipfs.io
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📜 Thanks for watching – I hope you all have a wonderful day!
#HEX #PulseChain #PulseX
I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Do your own research. These videos are for educational purposes only.
by hodldog
linux web server
I am suddenly calm. Well done HD. I dig the darker, thoughtful look w the set and lighting. Supremely empowering stuff bruv. Get it!
Great video!! 🏖🙏
Thanks for this, I was actually wondering why the website looked so weird.
Always hodling with the 🐶
Now more decentralized than ever. You hold your own keys, you mint your own rewards, you run your own front end.
Hodl is back! This is a good sign
terrific thanks so much!
Easy explanation for noobs like me, just make my day, appreciate
Great video. Thanks a lot
Woo boo welcome back !! Thanks for the stream
Good lookout sir. This is mandatory viewing for all Hexicans.
A great video topic would various work arounds if wallets with Hex were to be blacklisted.
Thank you ever so much for this information 🙏
Welcome back Hodldog. We missed you
Exactly what I needed ❤️❗
The official Alpha, always. Keeping it concise. #SciVive
My brother is back!!! Let's GO!!! 🔥👊🏾😎😇✨️💯😁👌🏾
Thank you soooo much for this very great and helpful video and information!!!!!!