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What's the difference between a server and a cloud hosting?

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Sacha and his cofounder already developed the first version of their product. They are now undertaking the Version 2 of their development and are considering moving to Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their cloud hosting solution.

Moving an application to the cloud is usually a very good option because you are not renting a server anymore but buying a delivered service instead.

Let’s see how cloud services work.

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by MyCTOFriend – Tech startup tips for entrepreneurs

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39 thoughts on “What's the difference between a server and a cloud hosting?

  • Thank you very much for your good explanations. I have a question. I have a program that manages a hospital. Could I cloud our program and then our personal work with it off site?

  • While the points you’ve labeled as minor drawbacks at the end of your video certainly add to the discussion, I personally think they represent significant trade-offs.

    In my experience, these can often be deal-breakers, as the risk or sacrifice involved in accepting these drawbacks can sometimes be too great. Great video!

  • with Virtualization S/W industry went to the next level & then Containerization made S/w guys life even more colorful

  • Pls put proper thumbnail, Its traditional hosting vs cloud hosting

    The major advantage of cloud hosting is, billing is done exactly as per the utilization,

    bcoz scaling is automatic, when hits go high more resources will be added automatically,

    as soon as hits go down resources/VMs automatically removed from the pool

    like if your website gets max hits only on Sunday (or) during peak hours, only that much will be charged

    But in Traditional hosting if u cant predict during which day (or) which hour requests go higher & higher,

    u need to hav fixed no.of servers, u expected 100000 users per day, & allotted resources/servers

    but u ended up with 1000 users only, then it's waste of cost

    With Cloud Everything is automating, especially scaling, monitoring, pricing..u name it

    as soon as 1 system is down, new System comes to the picture automatically

    when no.of requests fall down, no.of systems where server is running will be reduced

    Cloud hosting is much cheaper compare to Traditional hosting

  • Youre a legend for sharing this website hosting tutorial! Ive dabbled in A2 Web Hosting and DreamHost, however Cloudways with TST20 coupon is the budget-friendly champ.

  • How to use the hardware provided by the cloud provider to create server to host infrustracture as a server

  • Merci beaucoup! Très synthétique et bien expliqué

  • What happens to my data if an entire data center burns down or blows up? How do I know which data center holds my google drive info for example?

  • It's naive to hand all your data over to someone else that may have political motivations.

  • Cloud gaming is the best, I have not 1 issue with playing on the Stadia Cloud Gaming. When I play my on ps5 it’s not that good. The cloud is much faster, no downloads.. no crash. High resolution frame rates.

  • In cloud hosting, server are physically in same data center or the server present in remote data center are configured in cloud.

  • I have hard time understanding what he said behind that accent

  • Hello! I wanted to ask if this video is still up to date to current cloud functions? Is it still relevant?

  • Wow! Wonderful Video

    I have got it, ultimately what are the differences between cloud and servers, Extremely well explained in this video by you. #onliveserver

  • I love how you say " services" :v
    Bck to the main point, thanks! I have cleared off my doubts

  • Thank you so much, I never heard such a clear and concise messaging

  • DIfference is, with a server, no one can dictate terms to you, if you go cloud, you may be cancelled out by big tech and tossed off their cloud.

  • So if I am running a WordPress instance on GCP or AWS should I make a backup of files ?

  • Thank you very much!!!
    I've got it finally what are the differences between cloud and servers

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