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Whatsapp Protect ip Address in Calls II Whatsapp Protect ip Address in calls Update

Whatsapp Protect ip Address in Calls II Whatsapp Protect ip Address in calls Update @OnlineAppBuddy

WhatsApp has rolled out a new update that introduces the “Protect IP Address in Calls” feature, aimed at enhancing user privacy. This update, known as the WhatsApp Protect IP Address for Calls update, ensures that users’ IP addresses are safeguarded during calls. To utilize this feature, users need to update their WhatsApp to the latest version and enable the Protect IP Address in Calls setting. This new feature is a significant step forward in protecting user data, making WhatsApp calls more secure and private.

#WhatsAppPrivacy #ProtectIPInCalls #WhatsAppUpdate2023 #SecureCalls #IPProtectionFeature

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.