Because I played the Sliver mod before, so now with Shadow, because why not?
Note : The mod in this video is much incomplete, like no sprites for the life icon and character select screen. And because I found the updated version, so I’ll leave the updated link down below!
Links :
To download the game : https://www.srb2.org/download/
Shadow (Updated) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/anb8udigz2idmb8/ShadowTheHedgehogV3.wad/file
My Multiplayer Server link (version 2.2) : https://mb.srb2.org/MS/1994
To join the server, you can boot up the game and head to the Multiplayer menu, hover over the “Specify IPV4 Address” option and type/paste the link in the IP address. However, the host needs to be in the server, so if you want to join, comment me down below and I’ll wait you at the server.
Tools that I used in this video :
Screen Recorder and Video Editor : Free Cam
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