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Which is the BEST Secure Email Option? Let's Compare…

Which secure email service should you use? I’ve spent the past couple of months testing out 4 of the best encrypted email services and here’s a comparison of the most important features. I’ll also share some things you should NOT do once you start using a secure email provider.

▶ ProtonMail: (create free account)
▶ StartMail: (7-day trial)
▶ Mailfence: (create free account)
▶ Tutanota: (free trial account)

(some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that at no extra cost to you, I will be compensated if you purchase these services through my link; no service paid to be part of this video)

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🔹🔹🔹What You Should Watch Next🔹🔹🔹

We’ve got a lot of great privacy- and security-related content here on the All Things Secured YouTube channel (although we admit we’re a bit biased). If you’re wanting to increase your online cybersecurity, here’s what’s next:

✅ Setup a 2FA Key for MAXIMUM Online Security! (Yubikey Tutorial)

✅ ProtonMail vs Gmail…is secure email worth the extra $$$?

✅ Is SECURE EMAIL Possible? YES! (+ the best alternatives to Gmail)

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✅ Recommended Password Manager:

✅ Recommended Identity Monitoring:

✅ Recommended 2FA Security Key:

✅ Recommended Secure Email:

✅ Recommended VPN:

Video Timestamps
0:00 – Secure Email Options
1:26 – How Encryption for Secure Email Works
3:56 – Securing Your Email with 2FA
6:14 – User Experience: How Easy is Secure Email to Use?
9:06 – Which Secure Email is Best for You?
10:58 – Two Things You Should NOT Do

If you’re looking for a more private and secure way to handle your email, it’s time you move away from services like Gmail and Yahoo. Instead, opt to use one of the best secure email services like StartMail, ProtonMail, MailFence, and Tutanota. In this video, Josh will walk us through each of these services, their features and how they compare to one another.

#secureemail #cybersecurity #privacy


by All Things Secured

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41 thoughts on “Which is the BEST Secure Email Option? Let's Compare…

  • Are you still using free email services or have you finally decided to invest a little money for better encrypted email? I'm curious where you stand. And if you want to just test it all out, you can sign up for a free ProtonMail account here (affiliate link):

  • Considering the security benefits, Hidemyacc's Record Automation is on my list for a trial. It's not just about script creation; it's about ensuring a safe and secure online experience.

  • Would love to see a comparison between fastmail and startmail.

  • Fun fact: In Germany among other countries the landlord is not allowed to have a key to your apartment.

  • Basically, none of the four guarantee full privacy

  • Why Protonmail Is Not Safe For Privacy And E-Mail Security

  • Used to love proton but they are WEF partners ans swiss beast system should tell u all

  • So Tutanota. First of all, you MUST use their "App" as there are no other option. Contacts cannot sync with Android, which they claim is coming since 2019. The "App" is not an actual app, but rather a Chrome View that loads the WebUI. Dark/Light is a static option, no option to base this on time or device default. I could go on. I would stay clear of this.

    Also remember one thing. You may receive your mails securely with all this encryption. But someone out there has an exact copy of this mail in their "Sent" folder that was sent to your service in whichever way they deal with mails. I don't really care about how mails are stored or sent. You should never use mail for something that requires security in the first place. I just wanted a non-google service that would protect access to the mail box a bit more. Other than that, normal things like being able to sync contacts, using my own mail clients, calendar apps etc is a feature, not a bug.

  • Being illiterate in anything tech, where can I find someone to set up my devices and teach me how they work , to the highest level of security that I can manage? These videos are wonderful but the memory issues I have make it difficult to hold it all together and implement.

  • @AllThingsSecured – Hi, it seems that this video needs an update, especially now that ProtonMail cannot be viewed as a reliable privacy-friendly solution.

  • Unfortunately there are only paid secure emails. (I know that those give us a free account, but 1gb its just for test purpose)

  • Awesome video Josh! With these secure services would you recommend using a conventional first name.last name sort of email username or something a lot more obscure?

  • what is that at 0:57?? email archive?? that 2tb storage looks juicy really!!
    i want to know if its for free

  • Hi Josh! I'm from Brazil and I follow your channel almost 1 year (I think). I can say that is the best channel to know about privacy and security settings for all online services. Great job! Thanks for the tips and advises!

  • I don’t understand the third party mail client comment at the end. Proton mail has the ability to be connected and viewed through Apple’s Mail app on Macs. How does this compromise the security of the mail itself?

  • Hi! It seems tutanota now has an ability to show emails in thread/conversation view 🙂

  • Tutanota is based in Germany. I wouldn't trust them whatsoever.

  • I like the landlord analogy. When I rented my house, the first thing I did was change the locks 😊

  • I need help I do a broadcast online and I would like an email that I can setup just for communication between myself and anyone interested in communicating with me. Which email do you suggest ?

  • I have used Tutanota for years. I find it useful but has two weaknesses – less than stellar custom service and search function is not good. In fact it barely works at all. Please do a detailed comparison in a medium (blog?) that requires a longer attention span and text plus charts rather than YouTube. I like your channel I just don't like the medium (Youtube). Oh, and I as about to thank you for not being commercially-affiliated with any of these companies. Cancel that. Affiliate links so how can I trust you to be brutal honest?

  • Have you had any user experience with Identillect Technology Corporation?

  • Can you explain what is the privacy concern with using a PIM (e.g. Thunderbird) on your personal desktop? I'll give an example: ProtonMail, you must use their bridge application to connect to your account and relay your mail through their own encrypted protocol (in a 2fa supported manner), only then do you connect thunderbird to the bridge application locally via the standard ssl encrypted protocols. Again that's local on the device itself. Obviously if your PC is compromised, all bets are off…and that same holds true with the webinterface and session token attacks. I trust my local network, same reason why some crazy people run their own email service. If I could, in an economic manner, local would be the ultimate ideal privacy solution. So, again, where is the privacy concern?

  • You never stated if the calendars offered by mailfence or protonmail are secure.

  • I've been using protonmail for several years. Unfortunately their calendar isn't incorporated in their app. If I open protonmail to read mail in a browser it seems that the security and encryption of the mail are defeated and saved to computer or tablet cached in plain text.

  • startmail offers unlimited disposable aliases, that's a huge benefit

  • It´s a really great video but it´s sad that DeleteMe is only for US customers right now. They working for to offer this to other countries in the fature.

  • Wait, Thunderbird is on your own machine AND with TLS there is not clear reason to thing it harms security that I know of. What am I missing?

  • To the best of my knowledge ProtonMail is not zero knowledge in that they can be ordered to produce metadata and have been in one well known case.

  • Mailfence is garbage. Use proton mail or tutanota.

  • Tutanota has been known to reveal information about users in the past. You can read about their mea-culpa on that on their blog.

  • About these email providers that you mentioned in this video, you said that none of them can read your mail and that only you hold the key. Well I want to inform you that I saw a video about Proton mail the other day where they were asked by authorities to hand over a persons email account and physical address because he is wanted for truancy. So Proton obliged with the request. But you said in this video that the email providers you mentioned in this video can't even do that. But Proton did. So I guess then that Proton also has the key to your mail like you do. So I'm going to try StartMail and hope that they are more secure than Proton.

  • These are paid features, any advice on free email accounts?

  • I own my own domain, and have created email adresses for me and my wife, using this domain…. so I wanted to move to ProtonMail, but be aware that unless you buy their business solution, you can only have ONE email account for your custom domain (you can have more adresses, but all to same inbox.)…. so Tutanota has a much better solution for this, you can add users to your account, and use your family domain for several accounts.

  • Personally, I still use apple mail, because it’s the most accessible for the blind like myself. Proton mail is not too bad on the Accessibility side, but I am not too sure about Tutanota.

  • Great video. I am confused about one thing. Since proton mail doesn’t have the encryption key does that mean that the person that I send or receive emails from have to use proton mail so that they can decrypt any email that I send them?

  • I tried setting up tutanota in the past and I don't like the interface. I also like making multiple emails to organize what each one receives rather that sorting recieved email into folders. It's also a good security measure just in case one email gets compromised I still have many others. Anyways for whatever reason tutanota doesn't like multiple emails and now they have my IP or something and I can't use it anymore. Glad I came across this video to learn about more options.

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