Why R? Webinar 016 – Colin Gillespie – Me, Myself and my Rprofile
This webinar promotes Why R? 2020 conference – http://2020.whyr.pl that happens 24-27.09.2020
– speaker: Colin Gillespie https://www.jumpingrivers.com/
– donate http://whyr.pl/donate/
– join Why R? Slack http://whyr.pl/slack/
– join Meetup http://tiny.cc/WarsawRUG
– format: 45 min talk + 15 min for Q&A
– comments: ask YouTube live chat
Abstract: My Rprofile is optimal (for me). My RStudio set-up is optimal (for me). My desktop set-up is optimal (for me). This talk will demonstrate the myriad of options available to R users, such as customising your R prompt, selecting the best font, and optimising your RStudio pane layout. At the end of the talk, you too can have the optimal, but bespoke, R set-up.
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