Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Will We Ever Completely Migrate to an all-IPv6 Internet?

It’s been over ten years since World IPv6 Launch Day, when participating websites, network operators, and device manufacturers committed to permanently enable IPv6 as the “new normal” moving forward. Today most of the Internet is still operating on IPv4, and without any kind of deadline or other motivation to migrate to IPv6, it appears that we will be operating with both IP protocols for years to come.

Links from today:
~ Google’s IPv6 Adoption site:
~ Akamai IPv6 Adoption site:
~ Internet Society IPv6 Page:
~ Carrie Grade NAT ROI Calculator:




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

4 thoughts on “Will We Ever Completely Migrate to an all-IPv6 Internet?

  • I believe this graph represents providers enabling ipv6 for their customers resulting in the the default operating system of ipv6 reaching Google via ipv6.

  • Có nên bật ipv6 không hay dùng ipv4 sẽ tốt hơn ?

  • The answer is NOT SOON, if you consider that only 60% of the population of the earth has internet access…..

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