20 thoughts on “Windows 12 release date #shorts

  • 11 still having major problems.

    Microsoft: i introduced you to Windows 12.

  • Well windows hasn't had an upgrade since 2015.

  • I still have windows 10 I thought windows 11 was released in 2022 or something 😭😭😭

  • Fuck now i have to learn this shit… and repeat every 3 years i ain't doin this shit… as a IT guy

  • Fuck now i have to learn this shit… and repeat every 3 years i ain't doin this shit… as a IT guy

  • I cant believe it, technology is becoming more modern…

  • I hope this update is similar to win8 to win10. Just refining and reorganizing instead of revolutionizing stuff

  • windows 20 before gta 6 is crazy

  • All I wanted was windows 10 and you're telling me after 10 days you can't go back without losing all your data omfg tf Microsoft doin

  • Ayo how can I get the start button to the left but keep the icons in the middle like you have in the vid?

  • Release a broken system -> finally fix it -> release a new broken system in a year -> repeat

  • Didnt Windows 11 like just come out🫠

  • i was gona shit on windows 10 being the last. theres no reason because alot of ppl did so.

  • They dont even release windows 6, why widows 12?

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