Windows 7 100% legitimate activation for Free (No download needed!)

Its fairly simple to have your own legitimate activation, I have been doing this for years now, And am sick of explaining it, So I will simply make a video.

Step 1 : Navigate to WindowsSystem32
Step 2 : Find the application slui.exe
Step 3 : Right click – Properties – Security – Advanced – Owner
Step 4 : Click on the edit button and change the owner so it is your user on the PC
Step 5 : Click apply / OK
Step 6 : Now in the SLUI properties, under the security tab, click “Edit”
Step 7 : Uncheck every box except for “Read” under system / users / trustedinstaller / your username
Step 8 : Apply and you are done.
This is a pretty basic function to getting a notification free legitimate windows install, See, if you delete the slui.exe then a secondary function will begin to make alternate forced notifications because it cannot read that slui.exe exists within the system32 folder, However by simply allowing all of your pc to READ the software, but not execute it, Then no notification messages will appear ever again.

Thus, You have a free activated copy of Windows 7 (Works with Any version, professional, ultimate, home premium, ect) And yes, You can continue to update the OS freely.

You can legitimate download ISO files from windows either through the microsoft store, Or from here.

Where you can either burn the ISO to a disc, Or simply use a USB windows boot setup to make a 4GB+ flashdrive that will install windows for you.

Free software to all, And end all software patents. Have a good day.


how to repair windows 7

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