Windows Server 2012 UI Evolution!
This video will show how the Windows Server 2012 (the server counterpart of Windows 8) interface has evolved since the earliest beta builds!
Song: NIVIRO – You [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
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windows server 2012
Editing program glitched, it should say Build 8250 at 2:49!
i am windows 10
but windows server 2012 build 7788 is in windows 95
Build 8250 must be windows server consumer preview…
It said Build 8250 at 2:49.
Windows Server 2012 is the server of Windows 8.
I didn't know about this
Thank you so much 😊
Is it Windows Longhorn?
You forgot Build 9200
fun fact about windows 8's metro-styled popup start button:
it actually shows the preview of it, move a tile and it moves too!
Windows Server 2012 looks just like Windows 8
I once had a home server that ran Server 2012
I used to use Server OSes for workstation because it's like the best OS aside LTSC variants because they don't check for driver updates nor doesn't allow you to install Windows Store in the Windows 10 Variants of Server (2016, 2019 and 2022) the Store does work in 2012 and 2012 R2 if you enabled Desktop Experience through the Server Manager along side Quality Audio Video Experience which is required for Discord to work and WLAN which is also required if you use Wifi. The only caviat is the search bar it does take a while to pop up and that's how it was meant to be working as a Server OS
I like the music but I don't likke windows 8
7 8.1
Hi Martin Nobel Windows Laptops
redpilled. nice video
Windows Server 2012 is basically Windows 8. I really Like How Windows Server 2012 is acting . Similar one on Windows Server 2012 R2 which is Basically Windows 8.1
For today is a video all yes
Bar in the bottom left
Now do Windows Server 2016 UI Evolution.
Honestly, I think this was the worst Windows interface development ever! I don't understand the change of folder icons and in the Final version are the same of Windows Vista🙄… and well…the missing Start button… Moreover this is a version dedicated for Server systems😒
Xp is the best Windows.
Please make a video on the evolution of iOS (1-16)
Can You Make Blue Screen Of Death
Next Windows XP Evolution.
This sons said fu** you but I don’t say to you
2:49 Build 8
Windows Classic theme on Windows 8, server 2012 R1, 8.1 and server 2012 R2 looks like this as shown in this video
am i late?
Not again, was working on this but you released it first😭. BTW nice video
Removing start icon was a bad idea because that's the basic windows would like…
I hate windows server 2012 and windows 8
Look at the user picture at 1:10 then look at my YouTube profile picture
Cool man
I love or I like it
Windows Server 2012 Build 8400 (Release Candidate) looks like Windows Server 2012 RTM
Is 2012 8.x-based?