Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Domain Controller Install | For The Beginner
In this video tutorial, I guide you through installing and configuring a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Active Directory Domain Controller.
We do this by first using the GUI method, then we repeat the same process using Powershell automation.
If you have never used Powershell before, don’t worry as I will guide you every step of the way, and provide 3 scripts that you can download and use for your lab or production environments.
-== Table Of Contents ==-
1:40 Set static IP address
3:02 Enable Remote Desktop
3:18 Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration
3:30 Set Server Hostname
4:03 Install Active Directory
10:24 DNS Setup
15:09 Active Directory Sites and Services Setup
16:53 Active Directory Users and Computers
21:04 Powershell Automation – Install and Configure Active Directory
-==Script Download==-
You can download the 3 PowerShell scripts from my GitHub page located at:
-==Recording Equipment==-
Logictech C922x Pro –
Elgato Key Light Professional –
Green Screen –
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Well explained David, your PowerShell scripts are more powerfull and save time yes ! Thanks you so much !
Please do a Udemy intense course for all 2019 AD roles, services in depth.
the best ever, really appreciate the deep diving on the subject, and the speed. please do more. subscribed, liked.
My recursive query seems to be failing, any guess as to why?
If I am just adding a new DC to an existing domain, can I just replace the Powershell line Install-ADDSForest with Install-ADDSDomainController ?
Not like in videos from other youtubers, you actually know what you are doing ! Thank you !
thank you for the clear and concise guides. do you have videos for setting up GPO objects? thanks!
Hi There, how to fix "DNS recursive query fails" issue?
if you follow properly I can be more ease with powershell method.
Hi sir, I have watched your video and I find it very useful for me.
That was perfect. Amazing.❤❤❤💯
Thank you for this. You have tutorial too for setting up users? group policy? TY in advance. more power mate!
Prefer scripting
While installing ADDC IT SHOW FAILED
What to do if I forgot domain controller Admin password?
Awesome! Clear explanation with demonstration.
Great video, this is exactly what I was looking for in creating a server for my home network. I had a noob question: I hope I am asking this correctly or not overstating the obvious here, but can this script also be used to clone a DC? I guess you just change the name and the IP address?
Great tutorial. However, to make your script(s) truly universal; is it possible to use the '$domainname' var from the first script in place of 'Set-DnsServerZoneAging vlab.local' in the third script and also have it enter the correct information for the subnet '' as opposed to it being hard coded?
Recording a video at 6am, sheesh 😅😁
The real friggin deal
Once all this is set up, can I join all my computers in my house to the domain I set as on the controller?
That was perfect. Just building up my homelab and have never deployed AD, so this guide made it crystal clear.
Thank you soo much the Scripts were amazing.
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I just wanted to ask, now since my server has been setup, I was trying to add a computer to the domain and after typing the created username and password it gives me a spinning wheel then an error. It says the domain cannot be found.
Easy to follow, clear explanations, nicely designed video. Thank you!
Awesome video so far I’m having an issue At 15:41 when I right click on subnets. There is no create a new subnet option on my end. Help! Thank you in advance
First of all this is a great video
But i have a problem with the second dns.
I want to configure two dns the preferred and the alternate in the network adapter
If I run 1-Basic-Server-Config script everything works fine but as soon as I run the second script 2-Build-Active-Directory it delete the second dns (alternate)
Do you have a solution?
Do you have a link to download the scripts? Thank you. Great Video
Excellent video, thanks
where we can download these scripts?
Great detailed video, I didn't read all of the comments, was wondering do you have a video on adding another server to the domain, and adding a windows desktop to the domain.
Great video. Easy to understand. Can you share your scripts?
Sorry my silly question. What are the steps to let us like workgroup insted domain controller just to share folder without all security of domain controller?
Thank you for making this video. It is a great video, easy to follow .. 🙂
Excellent tutorial! Please make some more tutorial on Active Directory Implementation / Administration. Many Thanks!
FAN-TAS-TIC video. This is the best one of these I have seen in a long time. I am building a new new domain in my home, and you were very thorough. Do you have one of these for DHCP on Server 2019 and do you have one on setting up IPv6?
Thanks again for this video.
Thank you for the good video!
How to fix "Recursive Query = fail"?
As a junior sysadmin, straight outta' uni, this video is reducing my imposter syndrome!
Awesome job, it really helped me! Can I ask if you could make a video showing how to set GPO's? Like to install softwares, setting a wallpaper and also if it's possible to deploy Microsoft 365.
First search result when I went looking for a quick DC build refresher. I was surprised to hear an Aussie accent, even more so from a fellow Sydney-sider!
My recursive query keeps failing the test, I used the same subnet that you were using in the video, where did I go wrong?
Great tutorial for beginners like myself. Thanks!
Hi nice video, but i have issue when testing recursive query to other DNS servers fail. Could you please suggest me?
it was helpful and thanx for the script.