Windows Server 2019 Insider Preview Build 17639 (LTSC)
We are pleased to release a new build of the Windows Server vNext Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) release that contains both the Desktop Experience as well as Server Core in all 18 server languages, as well as a new build of the next Windows Server Semi-Annual Channel release. Please also refer to this recent blog announcement about updates to the Windows Server Semi-Annual Channel.
○ The in-place upgrade allows an administrator to upgrade an existing installation of Windows Server to a newer version, retaining settings and installed features. The LTSC versions and editions of Windows Server that are supported for in-place upgrade are shown in the following table.
Windows Server 2016 Standard 🡒 Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 🡒 Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 🡒 Windows Server 2019 Standard or Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 🡒 Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
○ A common issue around Windows Server is a lack of data migration options from older operating systems and storage platforms. Simply because in-place upgrades were impossible, and because manual migrations are slow and likely to cause significant interruptions to service or loss of access for users and applications, many customers are still using Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, and even Windows Server 2003.
Addressing this challenge, Windows Server 2019 introduces the Storage Migration Service (SMS), a new role included in Windows Server Standard and Datacenter editions. SMS is a job-based orchestration and proxy that:
● Allows administrators to inventory existing servers for their data, security, and network settings.
● Migrates that data, security, and network settings to a new, modern target by using the SMB protocol.
● Takes over the identity of the old server completely, while decommissioning the original source, in such a way that users and applications are unaffected and unaware that migration has taken place.
SMS provides orchestrated workflow with a Honolulu-based graphical management system, allowing scalable migrations of many servers simultaneously to new targets running on-premises or in Azure.
SMS handles common problems and subtleties of a migration, including in-use files, share settings, security settings, network addresses and names, local security principals, encrypted data, and more. All of this is available from an intuitive graphical interface, which is backed by robust PowerShell automation.
SMS is under active development, and you will see many changes and improvements with each preview. Furthermore, the use of the Honolulu management system enables out-of-band changes through its extension manager system, allowing us to act on your feedback more frequently than the Windows Server preview mechanism allows.
For more information about deploying and using the Storage Migration Service, visit
Windows Server 2019 LTSC Build 17639 is available in ISO format in 18 languages. This build and all future pre-release builds will require the use of activation keys during setup. The following keys allow for unlimited activations:
Datacenter Edition 6XBNX-4JQGW-QX6QG-74P76-72V67
Standard Edition MFY9F-XBN2F-TYFMP-CCV49-RMYVH
Windows Server vNext Semi-Annual Build 17639 The Server Core Edition is available in English only, in ISO or VHDX format. The images are pre-keyed – no need to enter a key during setup.
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