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Winegard Connect 2.0 4g LTE for Rv or camping. Pro’s and Con’s video. Best RV Internet

Winegard Connect 2.0 4g LTE for Rv or camping. Pro’s and Con’s video. Best RV Internet

In this video we talk about our Pro’s and Con’s list of reasons why we like or dislike the Winegard Connect 2.0 Wifi booster for your RV or when your camping and living that rv life.

If you would like to purchase a Winegard Connect 2.0 4g LTE Link 👇👇👇

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20 thoughts on “Winegard Connect 2.0 4g LTE for Rv or camping. Pro’s and Con’s video. Best RV Internet

  • Rv slum lords. Right behind car salesmen and politicians.

  • So if you are just using it as a wifi booster do you still need a sim card?

  • Thanks for the info on the Winegard cons young lady. For the gentleman, your pros were just about having internet service, nothing related to the Winegard itself…. But thanks.

  • great stuff. Winegaurd not good for cell phone connection. what would you suggest for cell connection while in the boonies?

  • Is there another non-wineguard router that will work with the same wiring and antenna? I have a cheap $30 router that sits on my dining table that works great.

  • If you just have it does it boost the camp grounds wifi?

  • You mentioned putting a card in the Winegard? We bought the gateway and put our Verizon SIM card in there. Much cheaper plan than the Winegard.

  • Does this actually boost the cell signal?

  • Mine had the dome preinstalled by the factory and has the external TV, MiMo cellular, and WiFi antennas. I had to purchase the GW1000 router/cellular modem, but it had a small cover plate on the inside with all the wiring accessible from inside (power and antenna leads) of the camper with power pre-wired to a power switch. So I can turn mine off at the regular TV antenna booster switch (2 buttons, 1 TV and 1 Winegard).
    – All this to say one of your cons is climbing on roof to reset, my reset button is inside my coach on my ceiling. The GW1000 can be installed in the dome or inside the coach under the dome through camper roof. Inside install also adds a WiFi antenna in camper and external WiFi antenna, with really good range. Some newer campers preinstall the Winegard dome for TV antenna and WiFi Cellular router can be added (~$300+).

  • Great info on the winnegard! Something to think about. So many internet choices nowadays. That's a good thing! New sub here!

  • Love your videos! We are new to RV life and have a 2022 Thor Sequence with Winegard. I see that you can get a hotspot from your cell carrier. We have unlimited data on our phones and use them as a hotspot to watch Netflix on the TV. Can we connect our phone to the Wingard for better signal?

  • I'm getting a Thor RV that comes with the Connect 2.0 4G LTE… I have Verizon service… I would need to get a SIM and replace what comes with it? I thought I read that the SIM works with AT&T, T mobile and Verizon… That you'd only need to change the SIM if you wanted other than them?

    Thanks for the video. I have a TIVO Bolt and am hoping when my RV is outside my house the Bolt will be as accessible when it connects to my wifi as if it were in my home.

    So every time you turn off the coach power it resets everything? It doesn't save settings? Not even the admin password if you change it? That's not good.

  • Hey friends. Thank you for the review. We have that on our camper but we have it hooked it up. We didn’t know how good the service was. Thank for letting us know. Great upload.

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