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Women Rock-IT: A People Hacker and a Global Leader of Cisco Security Engineers

A people hacker, social engineer and physical penetration tester who gets paid to break into buildings and test their security and a Cisco Networking Academy alumnus who leads a global team of Security Engineers at Cisco


cisco academie

6 thoughts on “Women Rock-IT: A People Hacker and a Global Leader of Cisco Security Engineers

  • Learning comes with a sense of duty. It’s something we all feel. When someone teaches you a new skill, you may be compelled to go teach someone else.

  • I can only speak for myself, however, I was thoroughly DISAPPOINTED with this live presentation. I thought there would be far more women, all ages & ethnic cultures, various jobs, etc. It was nothing like I thought it would be. We discussed it in my Cybersecurity class that evening and not one single person in my class who watched it was happy. Very disappointing.

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