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Working of mail command Linux Shell

working of mail command in Ubuntu Linux
prerequisites: sudo apt-get install mailutils, sudo apt-get install postfix
Command format: echo “Message Body” | mail -s “Message Subject” receiver@domain
example: echo “hello sir, please send the semester report file as soon as possible. Thanks – nagesh” | mail -s “request for report ” nagesh@nagesh


by Hassle Free Labs

linux smtp server

5 thoughts on “Working of mail command Linux Shell

  • can you show us the postfix configuration, should I chose internet site option, in that what should I write in domain name?

  • Hello Sir,
    I have a requirement like I need to send email when ever a failure in job and that mail should have a red coloured subject line to identify easily that it's a failure email. I'm using sendmail command but not able to achieve the colour for subject line.

    Please help me on this

  • thank you for tutoriel, plz tell me which logiciel do you use for recording 🙂 thank you for your response

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