Write your own Operating System A03: Internet Protocol (IPv4)
▶ All videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHh55M_Kq4OApWScZyPl5HhgsTJS9MZ6M
▶ Sources https://github.com/AlgorithMan-de/wyoos/commits/master
In this video, our Operating System learns the IPv4 protocol, one of the most important protocols in Network communication.
If anyone doesn't get second "DATA SENT" implement timer and call sleep(some value) in Resolve() loop.
I heard your say, "half byte" and it took a few seconds before my brain registered that you were referring to a nibble.
I will copy some of this
(copies whole class body).
Are you planing on making your kernel a higher half kernel?
dude, you can write an operating system faster than anyone I've ever seen. Did you pre plan a lot of the code?