wxWidgets: Downloading Data from FTP Servers with C++ on Windows, Mac, and Linux
In this tutorial we use wxFTP to download the CSV file with US Stock names. We then parse it and display the results in a list view.
Source code: https://github.com/lszl84/wx_wxftp_tutorial.git
0:00 Intro
0:23 NASDAQ FTP Server
0:47 Base app
1:04 The wxWidgets net component
1:12 wxFTP Download
2:53 CSV Parsing
4:03 Downloading in the background thread
5:37 Creating a ListView to display the stocks
by Luke’s Dev Tutorials
linux ftp server
Could you please make a video on how to create a TCP server using wxSocketServer?
Waiting for your next video 🙂
Is it possible to insert custom backrounds in wx? Like i don't want it to look like standard windows but the backround to be more custom
You make a vid, i download it. That's all I ever do 😄 thanks
Thank you
Keep up the great tutorials, they are really helping me out with learning wxWidgets!