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X-MEN 97 Review – Was it the Best X-MEN of All Time?

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Written and Hosted by Ryan Arey (
Edited by Harriet Lengel-Enright, Randolf Nombrado, and Brianna McLarty


Matt Singer

Mike Lawrence


cisco academie

32 thoughts on “X-MEN 97 Review – Was it the Best X-MEN of All Time?

  • Bad???!
    Are you mad???!

    It was awesome.

    Dislike and block this channel for hater.

  • Hey kids…it’s ok to be critical of things you love. It’s healthy. There were some great things and some things that can improve. It’s a good show imo. But I still want better. Nothing wrong with that.

  • I don't know why we don't have an animated Marvel and DC universe. We should have an X-Men, Spiderman, Fantastic Four and Avengers animated series. A Justice League, Green Lantern, Batman and Superman series.
    With the MCU and DCU universe making movies and we have to wait until 2030 for a movie, give me that, that's fine but I'd we can get it in animation within a year or 2, let them do it. I think it's better animated anyway. But I'll support both.

  • He keeps saying one's man worth was an age of apocalypse but it isn't.

  • 15 episodes. Let some stories breathe. This season was perfection as close as it gets, change nothing as it sets up more. Truly a study piece.

  • Exorcist a long time I've been coming to this chanel for fun, but every week has been less fun, I don't know who's writing and producing this videos but it's garbage

  • Jean grey was a terrible character before they gave her the phoenix, and they've stated as much up front that they didn't like her character and needed to make a change. This is a bad take, Ryan. Jean and the Phoenix will always be linked.

  • Seems like they’ve effectively established that Jean Grey can’t die, because the Phoenix Force will reliably resurrect her. Now, if they bother to flesh that concept out by following the consequences of her possible immortality, then it could be interesting; but simply having Cable annihilate her to ash, from which the Phoenix could re-emerge lacks depth.

    This was certainly some of the best “television” I’ve seen in a long time; but how much I can appreciate how they handled this Deus Ex Machina will depend very much on whether they can give us a Chekhov’s Phoenix that pays off in some meaningful way, in the 3rd season. 🤞

  • I’m gonna push back. But I’m pushing back at all of us. I’m pushing back at all of us who complained about filler episodes of any show ever. Our collective pushing back against filler has resulted in us getting rushed. It’s our fault. It was us all along.

  • I saw mike open for chris hardwick, he was so funny

  • Great time with you 3 men talkinf X-Men i enjoy this, i loved the whole season and like you said left me wanting more. What made me think should we have gotten a 20 episode whole or what we got possibly 10 episodes separated by 2 season

  • Echo?!? Really? That show was so bad I almost didn't even finish it.

  • I have to disagree with the take that "too much happens too fast". This was the best TV I've seen in a while. It's been an amazing ride and I SUPER disagree that it's a negative we loose a little character development. While you may be right technically… the show was an absolute SOAP OPERA. We got plenty of story and character development. Some characters more than others. That's no different than any other show/move/story.
    Excellent story telling and kudos to X-men97

  • This show shouldn't have been as good as it was but instead it's better than anything else on tv. Insane. What a comeback for the X-men!!!

  • i'm sorry, but the stuff you all are describing sounds VERY boring. lol I'm glad everything was done the way it was done and people loved it and X-Men continues to be loved and popular.

  • I thought when Shazam quits the Justice League in Justice League Unlimited was very powerful. Probably my favorite part of the dc animated stuff.

  • That Beast t shirt with the Frasier background is so cute

  • We’re the X-men the only heroes that knew of bastion & Mr sinister? Idk i just feel like when the lights went out on earth idk why the X-men couldn’t just call Spider-Man, captain America, Ironman, the fantastic 4, daredevil, the overall avengers/defenders teams…. Just say hey magneto is going crazy because of HUMANS & two bad guys.
    I just don’t see how they all live in New York but don’t tell tips on other villains smh🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

  • Also remember Scott went off on the reporter. All the stuff happening to him made him go off. He would never done that in the old show. So they even made up for that.

  • Plus. It’s soo much story and timelines to work with cuz it’s 97. We’re in 2024. They’re gonna slow it down for 2nd season. It just makes sense.

  • For instance. I’m watching the show with my girl. She’s never seen anything x men. No movies cartoons nothing. Soon as storm lost her powers she cried and said I hope she get her powers bacc soon. lol. And they didn’t let down. It wasn’t even like too soon. It was like 2 episodes later. Hers was probably the longest story lol

  • I think they ran through it becuz we kind of all know the stories. Most ppl that watch the show already at the very least watch the original x man show. And half probably know the comic stories. Especially becuz they have full breakdowns of comics on here. I never read a comic in my life. But I know the stories. I think they’re gonna slow down for next season. Just get this season right and then dig in.

  • From someone who was never the biggest Xmen fan (never disliked them, just never went out of my way to read/watch), this show has me 110% on board. Amazing. Some of it did feel rushed, but y'all touched on it, that's all they had, and I think they wanted to go big and make sure they got that S2 greenlight.
    Finalle wise, the Pheonix Force wasn't my jam either. I'm curious if maybe it WAS foreshadowed and I missed it (if so, better, but still felt a lil Deus Ex-y, especially with how well everything else was done).
    The only other part, and spoilers cause it wasn't mentioned in the video…

    I have mixed feelings on when Cyclops tries to talk it out with Bastion. I love the message of it, and I'm all for them trying to resolve the situation without killing anyone, but I feel like Bastion had just done too much, I mean, not 10 minutes prior he had ripped of Cable's arm, not to mention everything else.
    Rogue is amazing, her whole bit of the fight was awesome, Jubilee getting those huge hits in was awesome, the Morph/Wolverine moment was amazing, the Cable/Cyclops Jean good bye hit nearly as hard as "This is your room" from Castlevania, and everything in Magneto's mind, like, that friendship is so amazingly written.

    Anyway TR:DL, I'm more of an Xmen fan than I was because of this show, and the finalle, while not perfect, was amazing.

  • We need more LGBT+ stories and characters in series, movies, realities, animation and games! 🏳️‍🌈❤️

  • Honestly, the animation was bad. But by the second episode the writing and the detail was so good that you could ignore the animation

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