Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

29 thoughts on “Xbox Hacker get my IP Address, gets owned by VPN

  • People are still hitting players offline? Very nice video

  • aint no way booters dont know what a vpn is😂

  • Man did I just get wake up for school in 2015? a Bo2 video in 2024 at 6 am Is VERY refreshing. Keep it up bro this is sick lol

  • Aye who wants to play Left 4 Dead 2?

  • ngl bro the more you speak the more nerdier u sound. "thats my vpn"🤓

  • discord is kinda like skype, but more public and out there.

  • excuse is he finished this game years ago what a clown

  • We need more People like LT Geordon he is a real one for, kicking hackers out so people can have fun

  • All I can imagine is some fat 28-30 year old trailer park guy

  • Xbwv is an old buddy of mine haven’t spoken to him in a while but I remember playing bo2 every day with this dude at a time. We had a “crew” of sorts but after someone [redacted] stopped playing everyone kinda went separate ways still kinda glad to see my old man’s on YouTube hope you doing good buddy lol (prolly wouldn’t remember me but my old gt is “islammskids” from what I remember when I met him he was using the gt “spooky oxo” or something along the line”

  • Respect to those vigilante hackers ❤ keeping the game clean from actual hackers who ruin the game for everyone

  • VPNs only protect you from getting DDoSed but won't protect against RATs where they can infiltrate your computer and get your passwords, etc like say the password to your bank account if you ever logged on through your web browser. This is why playing old CoDs especially BO2 which is the worse offender is so dangerous and just not worth it. You're playing with your lively hood by playing these old games. Go one step further and can sniff your IPv4 address (there are ways to trace your actual public IP even if you're using a VPN) with some MITM tools, map out your whole network for any other IPs on your network, inject malicious html and javascript, etc. If you piss someone off enough and they really are petty, they can do some real damage to you.

  • There is nothing more satisfying than listening to you verbally annihilate an arrogant cheater who doesn't even understand what an IPv4 is

  • bro really posted his argument with a guy he don't know on cod 💀

  • This is for real a Bastille – Pompeii moment

  • I used to still sniff IP's on Xbox One on Halo Master Chief Collection although so many server IP addresses came up too never tried on Series X might not be possible anymore idk. Some people actually truly believe your IP can give your address when it just gives a random address near the server location on Geo Location. Only one alleged method existed which was contacting the ISP and impersonating a federal agent and asking what address is that IP address currently allocated to. I knew many doxers and swatters back in 2009-2012ish. Many just did it for fun or to others who claimed undoxable. OVH I used to be able to hit back in 2010-2013ish then they started greatly increasing their DDoS Mitigation when Dos Reflection Scripts for VPS's and Dedicated Servers were becoming common and DDoS atttack bandwidth was skyrocketing. I downed League of Legends NA entirely back in around 2012 but they only had level 3 communications hosting which wasn't that good. Used to run 4G offline too all the providers back then. I stopped around 2014 though. I was mean.

  • Instead of putting ur IP in my name i would freaze ur shit Xbox and while u reboot i statfreeze you hahahaha

  • great content, i can't remember seeing new bo2 troll content on 360 since middle school, kinda nostalgic

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