XCASH GUI Alpha Wallet installation by AlphaValidator [SUBTITELS]
Created by AlphaValidator:
In this video I show you how to install Xcash alpha wallet on a computer.
I’m sorry for the sound quality at the beginning.
You can support me by voting for my delegate: AlphaValidator
I will maybe do some others video to explain others things.
– Download the .zip folder on this release for Windows.
– Unzip and extract the wallet folder in C:/.
– Exclude the folder in your antivirus analysis to avoid Windows mistakenly deleting the xcash-wallet-rpc.exe executable.
– Open the xcash-desktop-wallet.exe with Administrator Rights.
– Download the CLI wallet executables from GitHub. Extract it wherever, then open the folder and copy the xcash-rpc-wallet.exe. Paste the executable in the C:/Users/{username}/xcash-official folder.
– Restart the xcash-desktop-wallet.exe with Admin right, you can now start testing the wallet.
– Download the .zip folder on this release for linux.
– Unzip and extract the wallet folder in your /home folder.
– Open the ./xcash-desktop-wallet or if is not working sudo ./xcash-desktop-wallet –no-sandbox with sudo rights.
– Download the CLI wallet executables from GitHub Extract it wherever, then open the folder and copy the xcash-rpc-wallet executable. Paste it in the /home/user/xcash-official folder.
– Restart in a new terminal with ./xcash-desktop-wallet or sudo ./xcash-desktop-wallet –no-sandbox with sudo rights, you can now start testing the wallet.
GUI Wallet download site: https://github.com/X-CASH-official/de…
CLI Wallet download site: https://github.com/X-CASH-official/xc…
AlphaValidator website: http://alphavalidator.com/
King xcash calculator: http://calculator.delegates.xcash.fou…
Xcash website: https://www.xcash.foundation/
Official Xcash Discord: https://discord.gg/5BzpJvS6tn
Delegate List Dashboard: http://delegates.xcash.foundation/
by X-Cash Community
linux foundation