Yet another toxic Linux user

People, another one showed its ugly head :O
But we all know they are fake and we live in a simulation,
oh, and the earth is flat btw lol.
Don’t be one of them. be better!!

Sub to Raid owl!
it will make you a computing superhuman

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by Kent’s Tech World

linux foundation

28 thoughts on “Yet another toxic Linux user

  • Use pc and dont interact with comments, problem solved. There is nothing to gain in them. Negative and pointless interactions are the norm on youtube. Or any other place with zero accountability.

  • the truth is that thats the reason why even Normal Linux users dont wanna associate with the community. its seen as a religion of some sort. in the end of the day its a software and pcs are tools. does it really matter if someone tries linux and fails or not ? I use both and i say some have weaknesses and strengths but it matters more what you do with your pc and equipment. its wild to dedicate your presence to hating ytbers because they try linux and ruin reputation. the only reason Linux got this far is because of windows ruining itself. if windows was a good os then i can assure most linux users wouldnt see the need to use linux as Its really about freedom and if windows had it why use Linux ? Didnt understood the insult when I am a Arch user and casually switch to windows for editing..

  • Kind of reminds me of the 80-90s Computer war debates; Amiga vs Atari ST vs PC vs MAC. It is a waste of time to go overboard about all this. You can't force people to use Linux; you could just lightly advise or consider it. You make some good points Kent.

  • I hate going back to windows but from my experience I just can’t get Linux to do everything I need it to do the main issues I still have it to go with gaming and with graphics working as well as it does on windows it’s just not where I could be at the minute

  • I friend of mine told me about your video so i am here to explain this, so here's to you and your viewers:

    There is a lot of comments out there that i am trying to help people, but i am doing this for a very long time, so i know very well the difference between some new user saying "hey, Linux isn't for me guys" (and that's ok, in my channel i have recommended from HaikuOS and FreeBSD to Hackintosh and even Windows so if you ask me i really don't care about what is your main os) and a guy with IT knowledge making some rage bait stuff.

    Like honestly, do you actually believe someone making videos about docker and deploying services with 30+ drives in a homelab don't know the difference between what is Linux as a system and Linux as a technology? Doesn't know the difference between system capabilities and 3rd party support? They know! And that's probably why my comment got over 200 likes, even the guy said "Keep commenting though, it’s great for the algorithm." How do i know this conversation always end like this? Again, i am doing this for a long time…

    Have you actually read my comment? Specially this part>> "Linux is not for everyone, i know that, Linux doesn't have the same support as Windows and MacOS, i know that too, but next time you watch videos like this open your eyes to phrases that could be simple and informative like "I use Adobe software, but they don't have Linux support, that's it" to "OMG guys, do you know how much i was suffering here? I couldn't end this challenge, NO! It was impossible! Linux is a world of pain, i couldn't do it guys!" then just stop and do something else with your life instead of starting flame war for views."

    I bet you know what "flame war" means, and the best way i have found to stop this thing is calling people in their bs, 'cause a simple comment is enough to inform those who want to be informed and for me that's a win.

    Want to see the difference i am talking about? Go watch MK Komputing, that's a guy that's new to Linux, being corrected in the comments AND correcting and explaining things instead of misinforming, and that's it. Go read the comments there, check the difference, and it's simple, Linux is not some obscure tech that nobody knows nothing about and some power users could say whatever they want and people won't correct them, you have no idea how many people found a way to contact me to say "hey, this thing you said, could you explain it to me?" And again, for me that's a win!

    I am not here for subs or views, money, flame war, or the "lulz"… I don't care about all that stuff, but i give myself the luxury to show people the other side of this with my free time, can i? Mythologos had a video about this, it was a perfect example, and i could resume it like this: How can these people, IT guys, developers, guys with homelabs and stuff, how can they know everything about computers, but the moment they touch a Linux or a MacOS it's like they don't even know how to turn it on anymore, just like that's on purpose… The answer? 'Cause it is on purpose!

    I've saw videos of people saying "i can't migrate to Linux 'cause i have to use Foobar 2000 brah", first, do they HAVE to? Or do they WANT to? They can't use it Wine or something?They can't use something else? Why they don't try MacOS or hackintosh then? Oh, 'cause they won't get the flame war, they wouldn't get the "rage bait" video and they expect people to come there to "defend Linux"… But that's not what i did!

    So, for everyone reading this, there is a very clear difference between "Hey, i play league of legends, Vanguard doesn't work on Linux anymore so i will stay on Windows cause i like to play League of Legends", that's fine, and a guy with 50.000+ subs with a channel focused on technology showing how to do arrays and stuff but for some strange reason doesn't know how to use the computer anymore when they touch a Linux/FreeBSD/HaikuOS/MacOS machine…

    I was really thinking that was very obvious when i wrote that comment, but if calling people out and trying to inform others is "toxic" i really don't care. I have a 1hr+ video on my channel defending Windows security, so if you think that i am some kind of "Linux Master Race" or "Fanboy" don't bet on that.

    And as you can see by this i like to write, thank you very much for the attention

  • The longer I think about the reasons behind these types of behavior, the more evident it becomes to me that it's mostly about vendor lock-in. Linux lacks enough commercial software because it has too few users, and people don't use it because it lacks software. When someone says that Linux is not ready and decides to go back to another operating system, it feels like a slap in the face to those who have decided to stick with Linux despite the hurdles. It's like saying, "I'm fighting for my freedom and yours, but you don't care about yours, making it harder for me to ensure mine." Similar to how privacy advocates feel frustrated when most internet users don't care about online privacy, so the problem persists and grows.

  • What can one expect from people trying to run a server OS (a clone of 1970s UNIX) on a workstation? Also, all that absurd obsession with CLI and terminal interfaces from 1970.

  • Linux isn't for everyone…
    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
    Translated it means that unless that person is fed up / willing to learn and invest in something new, you can't force them over.
    Some people that feel forced, try it, and then get frustrated and expect to be handheld to the "promised land" is not ready and shouldn't do the change.
    However, those are a minority, but usually those who walk out after crashing into a Linux nutcase / snob are of that type.

    My solution have always been a liberal use of the block button to "filter" out the bad apples to avoid wasting time on those snobs / nutcases.

  • It's not just "woke" ideologies that are toxic. One only has to look at MAGA and Christian Nationalism.

  • It's not just Veganism, SJW/Woke people, and FOSS Linux people who are like this. I would also add anarchists and hard-core libertarians (basically the same thing), Lost Causers (modern defenders of Confederacy in US Civil War), gun nuts, modern urbanists, some pro-EV and anti-EV folks, global warming denialists, environmental extremists, and conspiracy theorists of all stripes.

  • just wish that instead of rtfm they would say read chapter 3 of the manual

  • I see this problem in the IT world all the time and it's evident in forums when newbs get attacked for asking simple questions. Knowledge is power and some people feel threatened when their perceptions and knowledge are put to the test. These people tend to have fragile egos and low self esteem. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that for most of these toxic users, Linux is all they know and it's all they have. They are going to attack anyone who would dares to question their beloved operating system.

  • Toxicity drove me away from jellyfin and towards Plex. I eventually figured out how to use jellyfin properly but I had to do it on my own cause when I asked questions I was met with toxic unhelpful responses

  • Linux was supposed to take over the desktop over 10 years ago but too many egos for that roflol. You cannot compete with Microsoft and Apple without a dedicated company or group of people keeping the O.S. updated and safe. A bunch of volunteers do not cut it, that lesson should have been learned from Redhat.

  • Linux was supposed to take over the desktop over 10 years ago but too many egos for that roflol. You cannot compete with Microsoft and Apple without a dedicated company or group of people keeping the O.S. updated and safe. A bunch of volunteers do not cut it, that lesson should have been learned from Redhat.

  • This isn't just Linux users though, even the thread you opened had people calling Linux users 'nerds that finally can flex about their speciality'. Just use what you like and gets the job done for you. I use Linux because I think it's better for software dev, if you're a game dev Windows is probably better. Home user probably WIndows/Mac. A lot of the benefits I get from Linux are not going to translate as much for other people. The average home user doesn't care about a unix shell, there are also a lot of ways to shoot yourself in the foot which home users might not be willing to learn about.

    The only downside of not having mass appeal is lack of support with some things, although thing like proton with steam deck make Linux support have a better business case in those aspects and electron makes support across OS's a lot better.

  • Raid Owl even hits on the key point at the end of his video. You don't have to use Linux exclusively. I have a system with Windows 11, another with Mint, a ThinkPad with Fedora and a HTPC running Bazzite. My work computer is an M2 MacBook Pro. I use and enjoy all of them equally for the strengths they bring. It's always been strange to me how people get so passionate about staying dedicated to a specific operating system. I'm just thrilled Linux has developed so well in the past decade. I never imagined my gaming HTPC would be running Linux full time, but here we are! Having choice is great and we should be thankful for it.

  • If Linux does not do what you need it to do, that sucks.

    Solution #1: Shrug and get on with your Windows life, continuing to pay the Adobe and Microsoft taxes. No harm, no foul. These companies will not treat you well, but fuck it, there are bills to pay.
    Solution #2: Take the money you would have given Microsoft and Adobe, and instead invest in a developer to fix Linux for him. Everyone wins except Adobe and Microsoft.

    Not blaming the user here because the user going back to what they are used to and trained to use is understandable especially with toxic users driving them away.

    Still… If everyone choose #1, how is "Linux" ever going to be good enough? It won't.

  • I reinstalled malfunctioning Linux application in Mint by selecting "uninstall" option via start menu and then downloaded latest version as .deb package from official website. That messed up some dependencies and I couldn't solve that problem. According to Linux elites stupid me caused this problem because I didn't remove application the right way. If this is not the right way then why the hell is there uninstall option that doesn't uninstall applications correctly and how is it my fault that it's there.

  • This is lame. You are lame. Linux fanboys are also lame. For programming linux is by far the best. Learn it, then get over it. Don’t focus on fanboys. (I use all of the big 3: mac, win, lin, alongside rarer ones like bsd)

  • Well, nVidia open sourced their drivers due to some very intense pressure from AMD and Valve. They realised that if they didn't, no model of the Steam Deck was ever going to contain an nVidia GPU!

    For me, it was the Linus Tech Tips 30 days of using Linux challenge, where Linus broke his Pop!_OS install by …checks notes… installing Steam. This was somehow Linus' fault.

    This thing, that never happens on Windows, was somehow the fault of Linus, not Pop!_OS, not System76. It was Linus' fault that the Steam package, provided by Ubuntu's package manager, the distro System76 chose to base Pop!_OS on, broke Pop!_OS.

    As for wokeness, that tends to be used to mean trans rights. I think acknowledging someone's identity is polite, I think letting them just use the toilet or changing rooms that they feel most comfortable in is just being considerate. I don't think good manners should be politically divisive.

  • Yeah and there is a significant overlap between Linux fanboys and AMD fanboys. 😆

  • ive never gotten why some linux users insult people for either having imperfect code or not knowing how, its like shaming someone for not building their own computer. some people are just better off using the more streamlined experience

  • As a developer who moved back from Linux Mint, I noticed a problem with them.
    Someone needs help > mock and insult them > they leave > "Why does no one use Linux?"

    I've coded an entire games engine that works on Mint and Windows natively, so being told I "don't know how to code" because I don't fully understand the terminal(which isn't coding, you're just giving a PRE-CODED command to a terminal and watching the terminal do the work) was rather insulting.
    I've since scrapped the Linux support purely out of spite, and have no desire to return to it.

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