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you should NOT host your own email server! (and here is why)

One of the most common requests for me to do a tutorial on is how to setup an email server with Synology NAS, and this video explains why you should not do this except for some very special circumstances. Because of the prevalence of spam emails getting email delivered can be incredibly difficult and often times emails will simply not be delivered without notifying you.

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by SpaceRex

linux smtp server

20 thoughts on “you should NOT host your own email server! (and here is why)

  • Did you ever make the vidoe about setting up the server to receive emails and Amazon to send them? I searched but couldn't find it. I have a few use cases for this so would be interested to see your appreach 😊

  • Hi Will you please create video on how to create Email Hosting Server for Multiple Domain (reselling) with or without Amazon SES

  • That is the kind of advice from someone who doesn't want to spend too much time setting up a mail server, which (in the long term) and with a good setup, can run for years without any trouble. You can install a simple email server in your network. The only thing you should consider is what is better for the company. Use an online service and pay yearly for or install a local email server which means money and infrastructure. By the way, a local server has a bonus: implementing an email server will probably imply an LDAP service, an extra layer of protection in the platform.

  • You can easily host your own email server just know how to configure it correctly

  • I don't host my own mail. However, I do use Synologies mail plus to grab my mail from my isp instead of going to his webmail page.

  • It's not about bad apples who send spam, it's about big companies monopolizing the email protocol and making it into a service.

  • What if you just create a mail server to receive for imap usage. So that your server can then run an algo to clean up existing spam mail for the client?

  • Is it possible to configure Synology MailPlus to get all mail from, lets say, Gmail to allow access to this mail from web browser or phone app to view/read but WITHOUT the ability to send mail?

  • Why do so many YouTube videographers talk at 110 mph? This makes it harder for anyone to concentrate and comprehend what is being said and makes it nearly impossible for anyone with even a slight hearing impairment to even understand it.

  • Dedicated IP with the reputation is the KEY. If you don't have any, use a relay server to SEND your outgoing deliveries.

  • Title should be, setup a mail server, but know what you're doing. I've been running my own mail server for years at home. It works fine. Indeed, make sure you can comply with all the requirements. Freedom Internet in The Netherlands is a good Internet provider.

  • Then fuсk the major providers. If my emails don’t get through to you because your provider blocks them, guess whose problem that is. Yes, it’s yours.

  • sim amigo, é dificil mas vai ser saboroso quando tiver funcionando, tudo que você falo eu já sei curiosavemente.. eu estou configurando um aqui a dificuldade atualmente é o ip-reverso porem eu vou tentar resolver isso, oque eu fico bravo é com a galera que faz uns tutorial razo falando que vai ajudar você a criar um servidor de email mas sabemos que não é tão simples assim 😂

  • Please still make a tutorial on how to make an email server using synology.

  • You're not wrong,, but I have self hosted my own email for the last 5 years. I had to switch TLD last year because some odd email providers (none of the big ones) started to consider some TLD as spam. Other than that it's been great, I am on full control of my data. I know with a high level of certainty I know my emails are not being read.

    My only consideration is to not run it at home, but use something like Linode or Hetzner because they are huge data centers with good uptime, not a domestic setting.

    Yunhost makes getting an email set up 99% of the way in like 15 minutes. It takes care of DKIM and lots of other stuff. You can always test your email's "spammines'' with various online tools.

    Anyway, good video it gets the discussion rolling along.

  • well said – a few rogue email spammers ruined it for us self-hosters. thanks for sharing

  • As someone who ran an MS Exchange server for years, I agree with this. DON'T DO IT!!! Besides the spam and delivery issues, MS EXCHANGE IS CRAP!! It WILL break every time you have an off day. It WILL break in the middle of the night for no reason. It WILL break after every update. Updates that take 6-7 hours to complete. In other words, you will be staying up all night to run an update and then nothing will work after it runs. I cannot tell you how difficult it is to troubleshoot MS Exchange after working a 28 hour shift with no sleep. MS Exchange makes IT professionals everywhere want to commit s3lf h@rm. Save yourself, just pay for a service that has support.

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