46 thoughts on “You'll NEVER Use MailChimp Again After Watching This! (100% FREE Alternative)

  • ty for this important tutorial:) I'm trying to follow your steps but there is so far one thing that I don't understand. you created the sub domain. how come it doesn't show in the email folder that is hosting it? I mean shouldn't we see the subdomain folder in the "____email" folder

  • Does this plug-in allow autorespond email after the customer opt-in email list?

  • Nice clickbaity title. Unfortunatly won't work on Mautic 5, which is out now, because you need composer.
    You also conveniently didn't mention reputation management, what Mailchimp does for you.
    Plz make a new tutorial with the proper commands, and also share the secrets of sending emails.

  • has anyone who sees this done this? did you get unlimited email sending capabilities

  • A question i have…does this require AWS connection ? As i was trying to sign in in mailbluster and i can’t get permission from AWS sandbox as I don’t have a website as of now

  • Can I use Mautic for plain html website? I don't want to install Mautic plugin on my wordpress coz I don't have wordpress, I have HTML landing pages. Can I also use matic for client as well?

  • Guys in new Update of 4.4.10 if you got 403 Error then ,
    just edit the .htaccess file > search for Apache 2.4+
    then only delete the value after this >
    "# Apache 2.4+
    <IfModule authz_core_module>
    # Deny access via HTTP requests to all PHP files."
    Then > save
    now try the domain again by hard refreshing your browser by ctrl + f5

  • wow thats what i was looking for, using gmail to use with newsletter. mailchipm and other are very costly, its basic requirment for any one, wondering why it was not open source alredy! indeed a game changer.

  • I also tried to install this. My subdomain gives me an error 403 at the point of installing the script. I looked at the Mautic help but I'm nowhere near clued up enough to be altering.httpaccess files etc. Any help available on this?

  • Hi, mine gives an error "403 Forbidden" what seems to be the problem?

  • Interesting, never heard of this product. I am not happy with Mailchimp for a number of reasons and looking at replacing along with my forms. Although your video got me confused in a number of areas, this software seems like a winner and I am now going to further investigate the software to see if it can do what I want – customized forms with graphics, automatic forms, passing on coupon codes from smartcoupons for people who sign up to our newsletter, etc. I hope this software can do all this.

  • Had to get hostinger with your referal 2 years biz. weldone

  • hi.tnks for your useful video.but wath is smtp daily limit and wath is limit at all?

  • I know this is a year late and nobody’s gonna see this, but do you need to set up cron jobs to get mautic to work? I didn’t see you do it but I thought it was necessary for the program to run.

  • Great video, it would be great if you could explain about dmarc and spf changes you need to make with amazon ses and mautic

  • When do i use mautic and when do i use vtiger?Do they do the same things?

  • When a newer version of Mautic comes out, how do you update the version on your server?

  • Is there an option in Mautic to create a multiple groups of emails and then to send an email to a specific group? For example to group them by country and then to send specific email to each country individually?

  • I wanted to ask you something about Mautic:

    Is it safe to have it installed on a shared hosting or is it better to be on a dedicated host?
    I'm only asking that because of the full performances of Mautic, I don't want some email to not be delivered or to end up in a junk folder.


  • I can't install it on my server, when I upload the files and go to install url I immediately get an error.

  • Very useful, however, I am recieving a 403 error 'Access to this resource on the server is denied!'. is there means one can solve this? Thank you

  • I’m not a web builder, but a simple user. The tutorial was so fast, not sure I can execute this. But, I’ve been looking for something like this because even though I am paying a web server com-any, I am still paying for add on apps that they don’t have, and the overhead of this keeps piling up. I might put this in slow mo to try to build this

  • I am recieving a 403 error 'Access to this resource on the server is denied!'. How can I Solve This?

  • hey i tried this but it wont work. i contacted hostinger and they said i need Cloud or VPS hosting. could you advise me?

  • Thank you so much! Is there functionality to have the subs get a confirmation/welcome email?

  • These have been a great video and I successfully installed with the help of your video and my hosting company, Hostinger. Had a number of issues but all solved. Thanks

  • Wow! This is a real game changer!! Don't get me wrong, MailChimp and other products offer great content and services but it still is an added expense to the overhead of a business budget. I have always been a big fan of Open Source software and I definitely will be looking to implement this into my company. Thank you Sir for providing your wonderful, and extremely helpful videos! Greatly appreciated!!

  • Hello Mr Web Reviews, why Extract took so long and failed. I have extracted the file then upload each one, but some files failed and the notification is ' Bad Configuaration. What should I do?

  • These short video you make are gold sir. I remember starting out on WordPress and I wanted to build a car dealerships website. Your tutorial points me to it. Thanks

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