TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS Your PC did not start correctly December 18, 2023 source how to repair windows 10
Thanks bro,may god bless you to live a happy life!
just do restart, if it doesnt work, just go to advanced options, repair this pc then press it
Ok what the fuck am I missing? Where is the solution?
OMG YOURE THE FUCKİNG BESTTTTT(pin that everyone can see its working)YOU JUST EARNED A NEW SUB!!!!
omg bro its not workinggggggggggg im tiredddd
I can't do it so i got my friend to help we was on it for 12 hours but still did not work at all
Me to
Same bro😢
Me too
Tf is this music….
Thanks for this useless ass video cunt
It’s been three days how do I fix this?
is this fixable
How to solve
When Such Things Happen I Just Flash My Pc And It Works Completely Fine With New Windows ☺☺☺☺