Zed – A Visual Studio Code Killer?

Zed is a recently open sourced, ultra high performance code editor written in Rust. It is created by the people behind the Atom editor and the Electron Javascript interface, which is ultimately what Visual Studio Code is built upon. Zed takes a different approach, forgoing Electron usage and instead focusing on speed and it shows. Unfortunately Zed is Mac only for now, but Linux is underway and Windows development is planned.

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49 thoughts on “Zed – A Visual Studio Code Killer?

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  • Let me know when Zed is for Windows and Linux.
    Seeing Rust for the first time, I now hate it. x.x
    Also, VS Code only takes almost two seconds to load on my PC, and my PC was built last year, Ryzen 5700X desktop system. VS Code is very snappy on my system with NVMe Gen 4 system drive.

  • It is great to use it with Rust. Jetbrain's RustRover is too heavy, and VSCode does do some work, but not pretty well. But, Zed has great compatibility with Rust. Still, it lacks many convenience of Jetbrain IDEs and VSCode, such as exploring workspace, auto import, and some other things. However, it is improving, and again, it works great with Rust if you are a Rustacean.

  • How is this a VSCode killer? I tried Zed and, for me at least, it doesn't do a tenth of what I need VSCode to do. No debugging. No code completion for 3rd party libraries. I don't get the hype.

  • It's not even close to a VS Code killer in its current form.

  • I was gonna learn Vim to get rid of VSC…
    But this thing is on Mac…. I'm on linux…

  • Awesome, now with Zed i can start/stop the editor 3 times per second instead of just 0.5 per second. Makes my coding also faster.

  • Lol dude get real. Startup speed impresses no one. I start my VS Code once per month at most. Seconds don't matter.

  • still buggy, but load speed is impressive. rust analyzer unfortunately slower somehow…

  • will wait for Windows Version. But this is interesting though…

  • That it's written in Rust won't matter in how easy it would be to port to Windows and Linux. It's using Metal, so they have to implement a Vulkan and/or D3D renderer for it. That's going to be where the effort's going to be.

  • i love working in vscode but also the pain working with it when my projects get's larger + extensions, it 's now at slow startup, unable to auto imports,auto rename, format, displace, generate and much more. which without these, DX is very painful and un productive.

  • For speed and lightweight editor still nothing is better then sublime text.

  • Vscode started in 2 seconds has tons of features
    That zed thing started in 1 second and has no feature…
    vim in st starts in 0.25second and has ton of features.

  • chromium is not a javascript engine.

    chromium is a webbrowser. its javascript engine is called "V8", its renderer is called "blink".

    "chrome" is another browser, built on top of the codebase of "chromium".

    tree-sitter is a parser generator. it is not a regex-replacement. in fact, it has nothing to do with regular expressions at all. regex is a deterministic finite automaton, and it sucks at parsing. also, tree-sitter does not search anything.

    neither atom nor vscode or zed are ides. they are code editors.

    the only correct information in this video, apart from stating the obvious features is, that zed is fast.


  • It's funny that they're focusing on speed but they're releasing first on the slowest OS, although you could say that Mac needs that extra speed the most

  • Getting tired of hearing about this now. Its not a killer of anything until its cross platform

  • Still some ways to go. No plugin support, custom themes, no debugger UI, lacks some more fine-grained customizable settings and IntelliSense needs some work with regards to code actions and going to definitions/usages in-editor.

    Otherwise it's nice and fast–especially since the latest update with the fixed GPU rendering on M1 which now runs at the dynamic refresh rate. Though, adding the plugin support is likely going to add some weight like with any other editor (even Sublime Text)

  • Seems like VS Code looks like IDE and Zed looks like glorified notepad++, I like notepad++, but its capabilities are not really on par with VS code

  • What is the point? No, really, what is the point of it.

  • How it could kill vs code? This editor is available for Mac only?

  • Isn’t the biggest reason to use VS Code the absolutely overwhelming amount of plugins?

  • Lacks some very basic configurations, will have to wait.

  • If an application main advertisement is it is written is Rust then will not use it on principle as Rust zealots always have to preach

  • Thanks for bringing this new editor to my attention. I will try it out (on Linux). I am using Neovim as an IDE for multiple languages with LSP support, chatGPT, codePilot etc. and even though I have 27 plugins installed, the startup time is about 245 ms the last time I ran it, so that is even faster than starting up zed. But this looks like a very nice editor for someone who is not so much into Neovim or wants to have more of the features like language integration out of the box.

  • Mac only is going to go nowhere
    Linux support with massive Open Source community will give it traction.

  • If you want VS code to feel fast just benchmark it against visual studio 😂

  • Every web-dev that uses js-like bloat languages somehow always ends up using macOS.

  • There is so many editors out there at this point… Lapce too, which I thought tackled the exact problem, you guessed it, also written in rust.

    Lapce is for Windows, Linux and Mac and has plugin support. I am not sure if they have stuff like treesitter, they certainly doesn't have the reputation behind created such things.

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