ZKP Courses:Brevis A Smart ZK Coprocessor for Web3.0

We are so delighted to invite Brevis to join in us as a co-builders.roduct Lead of Brevis will share Brevis and ZK Coprocessorgo. Everyone is welcome to experience up close how to build a ZK tech application. Thank you for all of participation!
Brevis is a smart ZK coprocessor that empowers smart contracts to read the full historical on-chain data from any chain and run customizable computations in a completely trust-free way.Brevis can trustlessly read the states, transactions, and receipts of any time frame. It efficiently runs computations on data of any size: as the data to prove increases in size, Brevis significantly reduces the per unit cost and time for proof generation. Additionally, Brevis seamlessly verifies Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs on any blockchain, providing a unified and trustless user experience for decentralized applications (dApps) operating across multiple chains.
Brevis empowers data-rich use cases including data-driven DeFi, user-segment optimized live-ops features, zkBridges, zkDID, and smart-contract native risk control, all executed in a trustless manner.


by Whaler捕鲸船

simple network management protocol