ZOHD Nano Talon – 4G/LTE Compass Enabled
After the last scary flight where the airspeed calculation went wonky, I was feeling a little insecure about trusting my planes. The goal is to go ultra long range and if I don’t have a stable platform, I’m not going to fly very long distances. I lost the Mini Talon due to the same airspeed issue. I did some research and had one of the Arduplane developers look at both logs from the crashed Mini Talon and the last Nano Talon flight with the violent oscillations. The determination was that in heavy wind, the flight controller has trouble estimating synthetic airspeed due to wind drift. Everything online says don’t bother enabling a compass on a fixed wing but the compass will help tell the flight controller which way the nose is heading. So I installed a BN-880 module to see. Fortunately, it was still very windy too. The results are good so far. I think I will be enabling compass on all of my fixed wings now. I did induce some oscillation but that was because I brought the airspeed down below 25mph. Arduplane worked very well in preventing the stall.
Build List:
Zohd Nano Talon Evo https://usa.banggood.com/custlink/Km3dC9d0DE
Matek F405 Wing running Arduplane – https://amzn.to/3g1lqrs or https://usa.banggood.com/custlink/vKDEpZhluA
Frsky RX4R receiver (without header pins) – https://amzn.to/34xveaR
Matek 5v Buzzer – https://amzn.to/2E1Cosv or https://usa.banggood.com/custlink/
BN-220 GPS – https://amzn.to/2Y0LJbf or https://usa.banggood.com/custlink/GmvYpSYLMP
Hobbywing 3A UBEC 5V 6V Switch Mode BEC to power Pi/Modem – https://usa.banggood.com/custlink/mvmRc8RozL
Raspberry Pi Zero WH running Buster Lite https://amzn.to/2Y0iOUP and UAVCast Pro https://uavmatrix.com/
SainSmart Wide Angle Fish-Eye Camera Lens – https://amzn.to/2E0wZSH
Dorhea Raspberry Pi Zero Camera Ribbon FFC Cable 11.8 inch – https://amzn.to/2E5VnC8
16GB Micro SD for the Pi
Huawei e3372h-510 on Verizon
Custom made 4S1P 3,500mAh 18650 battery – https://www.imrbatteries.com/awt-18650-3500mah-battery/
Bonafidepirate’s flat wing mod: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:300…
I used 18AWG wiring for the power leads and used XT30 to save weight since max amps will be 12A at takeoff. Running stock motor and esc and prop for now. Reduced GPS wire length to remove clutter and weight. All jumper wires to the Pi from the Matek are cut to the exact length needed.
4g lte