✨Windows 11/10 – How to create a local network and share files between computers over the network ✨
✅ Hello!
➡️ Transfer files from PC to PC with EaseUS Todo PCTrans – https://bit.ly/3Q1bgN8
Today we will learn some simple ways
how to create a local network in Windows 11 and Windows 10, and how to share files, folders and drives between computers over a network.
These two PCs are connected to a WiFi router.
👉 If, when opening a public folder, the system asks for account information, see the solution here:
This should help.
🕓Time codes
00:18 Network setup in Windows 11
02:35 Network setup in Windows 10
04:45 Configuring folder access in Windows 11
06:15 Configuring folder access in Windows 10
07:10 Network setup in Windows 11 – 2
09:32 Network setup in Windows 10 – 2
Good luck to all! ❤️
by ipMalik
linux ftp command
It works !!!! Thank you!!
Thanks, been chasing for a way to share files for ages, you made it clear and possible/thanks again !
Outstanding video!
Microsoft is full of idiots I guess
I did same but on windows 11 i dont have share button and it ioens setting when i got to anvaced options
Thank you so much. it just Proves how stupid Bill gates is when it comes to communication. windows has always been the worst when coming to network. thx for the vid. I got two more computers on the network by following your steps. Now I only struggle with the main PC. it still won't show up.
This method finally worked! Thank you!!
Hi, does it work to connect a cloud pc to local network aswell?
I usually don't leave comment but I make a exemption this time. Great intuitive video. Thank You for sharing.
Thank you very much
None of this applies to Windows 10 because the screens and locations of options are different. No help.
This vid was awesome and easy to follow! Thank you for having it avail for others!
Hey, Can you tell me how can i disable to have my user folder visible on other pcs?
Thanks a lot for making this video so clear!
this is the first AI voiced video i’ve actually found useful. well done!
is this through LAN or WiFi?
In case nobody noticed, at least one computer was running Windows Pro. I believe that that is a requirement, since Windows Home is not setup for business and use on a network.
Thank you , very big help!
Thank you 🙏🏻
It’s been very helpful. Exactly what I needed
Thank you very much
I appreciate it 🙏🏻
Has anyone asked Microsoft why they make file sharing so hard (after 30 years of doing it it should be easier)
I get the feeling that they do not want us to use File Sharing over our own networks
Better still has anyone had a reply from a Microsoft technician as to why they make it so hard?
(Like many others I consider myself a medium level – I just have to write things down as Im getting older and I dont do it ever day)
you are ronaldo chisamba kalaba. thank you very much
Now I am confused to wether to try this again or use Network mapping?
Finally, someone that actually helped me get Network File Sharing working! I must have tried 20 tutorials that didn't work! Thank you so much! You're the best!!!! The Run Command is what let me finally find the Shared Folders.👍
Thank you! Now do I need to worry about being hacked through my internet connection?
@4:00 you say 'tab network private' but then you change settings under 'Guest or Public'
thanks, very informative
security question: if you need to share the files of different computers in the same home (so the same network) why would you need to allow ALL NETWORKS to see these files? Why would Windows differentiate 'private' and 'all' networks if you have to allow everything anyway? I don't want anyone NOT connected to my router to see all my files.
Thank You!
Thanks So much
Hlo sir, how does it works ? Through which protocol ? Tcp ??
This video actually helped me do this. I've been trying to get the damn computers to show up in the network, and they never did, but the shortcuts and the hidden "All Networks" properties at the bottom helped tremendously. Microsoft really doesn't want you to own your own network.
Thank you very much
Great work buddy
Every time I try and do this, I get a popup asking for network credentials… Any clue how to get past this? From what I can see, it says that turning off password sharing should do this, but it's not working. Tried turning it back on and off again, still getting a request for network credentials and donno what those are, doesn't seem to be my windows login info… Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much! You've saved my blood pressure!
thx 🖤🖤🖤
How fast is the transfer file rate? I need to transfer Huge files…
my menu looks nothing like yours
Thank you so much! this was very helpful for me!
For a while my pc could not locate the other device. I recalled configuring one of my network guest addresses to not allow visitors to discover/see any of my network devices but access to internet only. Once I switched to a network address without that setting, this worked as planned. Thanks again…good stuff.
Very good video; Thank you!
Is this safe if you are in public like at airports? Can they see my files?
thanks for sharing, and thanks for your time.
Finally some good tutorial
Whenever I am trying to access my other PC from Network, its asking for Network Credentials. What to do? I went to certificate manager also.
In this guide when you are saying "Private Tab" you are actually not on the Private tab..you're on the guest / Public tab and changing those. You never changed anything on Private. Private was collapsed.
Network discovery for Private is already on by default.
Worked perfectly, Bravo to you!
you said use password but you did not show access with password, this does not work
Super, clear video that worked straight away for me after many hours of frustrating Windows menu surfing. Thank you!
it still asks me for credentials!!!