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#拜登 #中美關係 #雷蒙多


cisco academie

13 thoughts on “美對華晶片禁令給自己挖坑,華又一突破令美焦慮!!【直播港澳台】

  • World would be better-off without the Warmongering World Terrorist for a such young countries could bring so much misery to the world by creating War after War, how about the damaged cause by their Bioweapons like Aids, SARC & CORONA just to name a few. Knowing the corrupt ICC is in the pockets of world terrorist? allowing World Terrorist Presidents and it's incompetent Governments whom only bring Misery to the world in the form of Lies, Sanction, Coup, War, follow by looting like Syria & Libya yet they call themselves democratic? in the eyes of BRICS they are nothing but terrorist.

  • 臺灣窮的只剩下錢,多給點錢無關痛癢.

  • bb雷蒙多看看她的樣子!就知道她是螅蜴人啦!!!???🤔🙋‍♀

  • US don’t have the monopoly of technology, Chinese scientists are not idiots! US’s sanction regime is contrary to the principle of free market, free trade and free market capitalism. US’s sanction against Huawei is not about US’s national security but clearly there are attempts to arrest China’s scientific and technological advancements catching up with those of the US. But US officials forget no one can restrict human ingenuities, for it’s God’s given! Americans are no God’s chosen people, so don’t act like ones!

  • 靠念咒就能统一台湾,让台独的发明者美国支持统一台湾,真是可笑。

  • 不是華為我們怎麼可以買到這麼多先進的產品這麼便宜 他們害怕是正常的 卻沒有什麼用 本來哪些產品就不值那麼貴 過去西方整天說科技要進步 只是中國的進步方式不一樣 中國導致 乞丐也能夠用上智能手機 這是非常徹底的進步

  • 美国商务部要改名了,叫美国商务限制部吧。

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