[08] Installing the nginx ingress controller into my kubernetes cluster

In this video I am implementing the nginx ingress controller into my cluster. The ingress controller allows us to route traffic to different destinations in our cluster so that we can reach the services we setup in the future. I will walk through what an ingress controller is, find the helm chart, download and customize the values file, deploy the ingress controller and test its functionality.

0:00 Introduction
0:46 What an ingress controller does
1:20 The functionality of an ingress controller explained
2:41 Add nginx repo to helm and download values file
4:46 Customizing values for nginx deployment
9:20 Create namespace and deploy nginx ingress controller
12:20 Testing the nginx ingress controller
13:23 Review example ingress resources
15:10 Preparing the tests for our ingress controller
23:15 Testing ingress controller
32:45 Cleaning up test deployments
34:22 Summary

2:43 helm repo add nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
3:02 helm repo update
3:13 helm search repo nginx
4:08 helm show values nginx/ingress-nginx < nginx-values.yaml
9:33 kubectl create namespace nginx-ingress
9:45 kubectl get ns
10:05 helm install nginx-ingress nginx/ingress-nginx -n nginx-ingress -f nginx-values.yaml
11:05 watch kubectl get all -n nginx-ingress
16:52 curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/master/yamls/ingress-demo/nginx-deploy-main.yaml
17:09 curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/master/yamls/ingress-demo/nginx-deploy-green.yaml
17:19 curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/master/yamls/ingress-demo/nginx-deploy-blue.yaml
17:29 curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/master/yamls/ingress-demo/ingress-resource-1.yaml
17:38 curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/master/yamls/ingress-demo/ingress-resource-2.yaml
17:40 curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justmeandopensource/kubernetes/master/yamls/ingress-demo/ingress-resource-3.yaml
23:40 kubectl apply -f nginx-deploy-main.yaml
23:55 kubectl apply -f nginx-deploy-green.yaml
24:01 kubectl apply -f nginx-deploy-blue.yaml
24:35 kubectl expose deploy nginx-deploy-main –port 80
25:25 kubectl expose deploy nginx-deploy-green –port 80
25:30 kubectl expose deploy nginx-deploy-blue –port 80
29:00 kubectl get all -n nginx-ingress
31:30 kubectl apply -f ingress-resource-3.yaml
31:46 kubectl delete -f ingress-resource-1.yaml
31:51 kubectl apply -f ingress-resource-3.yaml
32:53 kubectl delete -f ingress-resource-3.yaml
33:10 kubectl delete -f nginx-deploy-green
33:20 kubectl delete -f nginx-deploy-blue
33:33 kubectl delete -f nginx-deploy-main
33:41 kubectl delete service nginx-deploy-blue
33:49 kubectl delete service nginx-deploy-green
33:51 kubectl delete service nginx-deploy-main

Kubernetes ingress path types – https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#examples
Just me and open source on youtube – www.youtube.com/@justmeandopensource
Just me and open source on github – github.com/justmeandopensource
Nginx Ingress Controller websiter – https://www.nginx.com/products/nginx-ingress-controller/


by ILoveOpenSourceSoftware

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