29C3: ISP's black box (EN)
Speaker: Luka Perkov
provisioning behind the scene
This talk is aimed to give an insight into CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) and its GPLv2 implementations that were developed in the past year.
CWMP (often called only TR-069) enables ISP to remotely configure, manage, upgrade and troubleshoot Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) aka your home DSL router. It is a vendor agnostic standard used to manage at least one device per customer. The protocol, used on more then half a billion devices, will be discussed in detail.
GPLv2 CWMP related software will also be presented:
– freecwmp is a CWMP client for (but not limited to) OpenWrt
– freeacs-ng ACS server
– mod_cwmp nginx CWMP proxy module
– libfreecwmp library keeps the shared code in one place
For more information visit: http://bit.ly/29C3_information
To download the video visit: http://bit.ly/29C3_videos
Playlist 28C3: http://bit.ly/29C3_playlist
by Christiaan008
windows server dhcp vlan