NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSWindows serverwindows server dhcp

nsh: Network Shell on top of OpenBSD made for network administrators – Tom Smyth – EuroBSDcon 2022

nsh is a tool that allows a network administrator harness the power of OpenBSD and the tools that are present in the OpenBSD base operating system.

nsh is an an alternative or supplement:
and encapsulates configuration for other daemons into one place, with
its own command language similar to the configuration language used by
many network appliance vendors.

Effectively nsh + OpenBSD can allow an un-inducted network administrator
harness the true power of OpenBSD for just about any network role or tasks.
from meat and potatoes routing to a layer7 TLS terminating, load balancing
and stateful firewall failover appliance.

In this presentation the speakers will demo nsh and how it integrates
with a base OpenBSD install.

The speakers will discuss the current nsh design and features, and what lies
in the future for nsh.


by EuroBSDcon

windows server dhcp vlan

3 thoughts on “nsh: Network Shell on top of OpenBSD made for network administrators – Tom Smyth – EuroBSDcon 2022

  • Sounds like an good project to get on resflash usbdrive style openbsd Router.

  • I'm happy to see this project getting love. I have fond memories of nsh on my Soekris Net4501.

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