How to Update Windows 7

you can keep Windows up to date using the Windows Update Tool. Though most updates are installed automatically in Windows 7, you can run the update tool to check for new updates and install optional new features.
1-Click the Start button. It’s usually at the bottom-left corner of the screen.
2-Click All programs. A list of all apps will appear.
3-Click Windows Update. This launches the Windows Update tool.
4-Click Check for updates. Wait as the Windows Update tool scans for updates that you have not installed.
5-Click Install updates if updates are available. If Windows finds updates for you to install, you’ll see the number of updates appear near the top of the window. Clicking the button will begin the installation.
6-Follow the on-screen instructions to finish updating your computer. Most updates require that you restart your computer to complete the installation. Once the computer comes back up, the computer will be up to date.
Depending on the types of updates available for your computer, you may have to run the update tool a second time to finish the installation. Keep your eye on the system tray (the area where the clock is) when the computer comes back up—if you see a message that says updates must be installed (or an icon of a yellow or red shield with an ″!″ inside), click it, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
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28 thoughts on “How to Update Windows 7

  • guys this will be just upgrade and computer will be more safe and guys nothing will gone

  • first windows is windows 7 but dad upgraded windows 10 but today is busy

  • for me it doesn’t say windows update after i click all prgrams

  • Lol is not a bit to late for Windows 7 update as Microsoft closed the update servers and also al repository regarding windows 7😅 dont clik it won't update 😅

  • Is it normal that the search for updates is very long?

  • After we restart does everything be deleted? please answer quickly!

  • Dont update to the 2020- security updates. I tried once and i had blue screen after few minutes of using my pc

  • Do not update windows 7
    it's going to start telling you to upgrade to Windows 11 and soon will disable windows 7 due to End of Life

  • That will erase your folders ?that give 64 bit ?

  • I tried on my sony VAIO laptop windows 7 home premium and when i checked for updates it said it couldn't check for any updates

  • windows 7 is abandoned i used to have one but it broke i still remeber having fun on it now i have a windows 11 pc but man i miss the good days

  • what has search bar and shut down button is too tall

  • oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • Question: when you restart your computer there it will all go back to the beginning or nothing will change? i Hope nothing changes and if it does u will have log back to your account, am I right or not?

  • When I update my pc is she gonna happens something bad or it will delete some stuff of my pc im really sacred😢

  • Do you guys know that windows 7 support ended in 2020? There is no more updates

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