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CNET News – iPhone 5 with 4G LTE is ultrafast
Apple’s Phil Schiller reveals a speedier iPhone, which will for
the first time support 4G LTE, delivering what he calls “Ultrafast
Wireless.” The device’s LTE service will be available in the U.S. on
Sprint, Verizon Wireless, and AT&T.


4g lte

30 thoughts on “CNET News – iPhone 5 with 4G LTE is ultrafast

  • More than a decade later and 4G LTE is already old technology. I remember when this first came out and it seemed amazing, crazy that it’s starting to become a thing of the past with 5G

  • I'm pretty sure 8 hours is a lot of time…

  • Honestly, People like you are the worst. Even before Samsung came out with LTE Motorola and HTC were the first ones to use LTE on Verizon network. Which now Moto is owned by Google. Apple never stated it was brand new tech. They said their chips is brand new meaning they use ALL BANDS in ONE chip which INDEED is new. If Samsung is suing apple for LTE then Moto and HTC should sue Samsung for it. You know whats stupid? Samsung SOLD Apple the tech so why sue when they have a bill of sale? rofl smh

  • S3 looks better than the iphone.

    4G came out on android over a year ago. It comes out a year late on the iphone but it's still some how " BRAN new and revolutionary " Doesn't matter anyway because Samsung is in the process of suing apple for stealing the technology.

  • there i nothing for free in this world you fucking dumbass

  • you know even though people say Samsung is better that's bullshit cause when the iphone 1g came out it change the world of cell phones and technology period. so apple will keep on doing What they are doing!

  • i think they've moved on from being a cellphone innovator and are concentrating on the tablet market.

  • this is what they say every fucking release…sorry man iphone>galaxy

  • I am getting fucking annoyed by your stupid samsung fanboys why are you fucking looking at iphone if you a s3 gtfo and stop watching apple videos if you have a s3 holy shit

  • I don't want to argue with you or anything, but of course it will sell out. You do know apple is a marketing genius right? The phone could be shit, but if they market it just right anybody will be convinced to buy it.

  • As coming from someone who has owned an iphone up until the 4s (which i did not get), iphones freeze up as well. Sometimes the screen won't work, i have to reset it, sometimes it takes forever to load a game. It also gets laggy from time to time. I now have the galaxy note and i never have any of the problems you mentioned. So maybe it's just the cheap android phones you are getting.

  • owned androids from the start. Tired of androids craptacular OS, freezes, takes forever, randomly shuts off, touch screen is always messing up on every android i've owned and im tired of it. My wifes iPhone has not had a single problem. Loved all the features on android but what good is it if it always starts messing up after the one year mark while iPhone does not have any problems? iPhone is my next phone, screw android and there slow pos

  • All chips are soc design by arm. Its up to company's to create the cpu. Nvidia tegra chips are great Cuz they are so customizable the quad core chip is actually a five core. The fifth core is just to run a low profile speed for like stand by or running simple programs to preserve battery juice. The other cores will take over when under a heavy load like games or programs with high memory ram.

  • Actually the only idiot in here is Richardb Samsung does make I phones processor they have since the beginning the only processor apple design by apple is the a4 and a5 but samsung manufactures them. The a5x found on iPad 3 is a Samsung exynos processor just with apple stamp on it just like the a6 so know what you talking about. apple designs the worst proccesors they are not a chip designer or maker they are just as worse as omap by Texas instruments

  • what u can expect more than this from a phone/?

  • I don't get why people keep hating on Apple and the iPhone. Honestly, if it's as bad as you guys say it is, then the new iPhone won't do well and Apple will cease to produce it. I highly doubt it but the people who keep bashing on Apple and the iPhone and keep saying stuff like "Samsung is better" and "Galaxy is a better phone"are only making yourself look bad as well as the rest of the Samsung fan base. I say this as a fan of Samsung…

  • I agree iphone 5 is old and outdated but still better than galaxy s3 imo

  • @TheBaypinator trust they wont. The carriers wont allow that, ur a idiot

  • 4G is copyright of HTC and Samsung… Apple is going to get sued.

  • @coolguygm30 ur a idiot, apple makes their own processors, ur so stupid

  • U know that if it wasn't for Samsung the iPhone wouldn't be as good as it is because Samsung and apple are working together so u should thank Samsung because Samsung is the one who made the main processer for the iPhone 5

  • the battery lasts 8 hours… You probably didn't get to watch that part of the video because your Galaxy SIII died. Get ur head out of ur ass

  • Yeah, I'll admit, the iPhone does use technology that it should've been using for at least a year, but face it. If there was no iPhone, there would be no Android, and you ALL know that. So don't even try to deny it.

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