Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

4 thoughts on “Adding IP Address To Webmin/Virtualmin

  • Don't I need to set my debian server (VPS) as router and allow the ipv4 forwarding regarding to each clients comunication? I don't now too much, but I have eth0 as you with my external IP (185.23…..) and I want to have different subomains with different IPs, all of them pointing to this server (which I guess will be on eth1?) and then the rest of the machines/clients will be under each virtual interface like eth1:1, eth:2, etc… Could anyone tell me if is this correct or would you do it in a different way? thanks pple

  • Hi – how can I do this via command line? Cant find it for Webmin anywhere

  • Thank you, but on new setup edit database menu not visible and can not find how to bring back… any idea ?

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