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AZ 800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure Reaction

In this video, Orin Thomas takes Jeff Woolsey (Principal Program Manager, Azure Stack HCI/Windows Server/Hybrid Cloud), through the objective details of Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure exam (AZ-800). This exam is the first of two required for the new Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate Exam.


by ITOpsTalk

windows server dhcp

13 thoughts on “AZ 800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure Reaction

  • I hope they bring out an expert level exam for this series.

  • As a DevOps personal does this certificate make sense for me ?

  • Employers are still looking for MSCA and MSCE certifications. Look on indeed… none of them have any of these new cert (even the role-based Expert) ones on their qualifications. What do we do in that instance? What do we put on our resume? Still MSCA and MSCE even though it's misleading?

  • The BETA for the AZ-800 exam is available until Jan 10 2022.

  • I resorted to picking up the Comptia Server+ Cert because they retired the MCSA AND MCSE. Happy to see this after randomly researching online. I work in a Hybrid Windows Environment now and its a struggle. 5000+ Endpoints and we are talking about switching to KACE. Currently running WIndows Server 2012…

  • I'm so excited for hearing this news! Windows certifications back, and now connected to the cloud! Awesome! One more certification to add to my roadmap 🙂

  • That's exactly exam and course I was missing from MS.
    There's a middle ground between on-prem and Azure admin.

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