29 thoughts on “Build your entire tech stack in Rust

  • rust it will be good for backend using axum as example but not yet for frontend

  • And who uses rust for web applications?? it is meant for systems programming. For Web I will go with Python anyday.

  • I started off using warp. Maybe I’ll give this a try

  • I guess this framework makes sense if your are a Rust wizard, otherwise I don't see this as the most productive framework available.

  • I'm not loving yew. For the web, I think javascript/typescript is the way to go. Therefor I would love to see the RSST stack. Rocket, SurrealDB, Svelte and Tauri.

  • 2:48 You lost me when you had query code in strings. You can do better than that, especially with Rust macros.

  • Dislike for the unnecessarily insulting Go meme. Just because a language has a different philosophy, it doesn't make inferior

  • You can't just say that the wasm application is a frontend on rust, it's not true.
    > As of today, WebAssembly is not feature-complete for DOM interactions. This means even in Yew we sometimes rely on calling Javascript. What follows is an overview of the involved libraries.

  • i need this same video but splited in each tech explaining all code in detail

    i'm not sure what rocket vs yew are doing

  • I'm already a javascript developer, I'm wanting to learn RUST to create a desktop app with Rust, I want to learn, but the first contacts are being a little frustrating, I'm trying to do the basic installation, to use Tauri, with TypeScript and SolidJS, I've already solved a problem of build with these guys -> stable-gnu | x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, for windows 10, and after solving this problem there is another one like: -> windres
    error -> thread 'main' panicked at 'Couldn't execute windres to compile

  • Meh. We have SSR frameworks to get a great user experience on first load, with WASM you made it worse than a classic SPA. Then you can't ship to ios and android. Then Rust is… needlessly ROBUST, we put up with that to get performance benefits which… are nowhere to be found in this case.

  • I'd like to introduce the CHAD stack

    Components: (web components built with svelte)
    Hypermedia: (htmx, styled with Tailwind)
    AlpineJS: (as little as possible, only when needed)

    Use any database (try surrealDB)
    Use any language (preferably Rust, just not JS)

  • Poor future developers. They will be enrolled in legacy projects consisting of hundreds of microservices written with rust syntax.. good old days…

  • How do i even get to the point where i am able to make a simple app like this? It seems so out of my reach. I've read the rust book and made a few programs, but im just not capable of making something like this todo app. What should i do? It's extremely unmotivating :/

  • so what I have learnt is that building full-stack web apps using Rust is just as horribly complex as using any other stack. No wonder overall productivy sucks. Rust may be the best language out there in 2023 but the rest of the full-stack stuff still sucks.

  • The most compley todo app i have ever seen!

  • it could be not practical but we will get there
    we just need to put overly complicated abstraction on top of abstractions to make it simple until we move to another toy

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