Configuring a Synology HA Cluster and Showing What Happens When You Pull The Plug!
Lawrence Systems Synology Tutorials
Synology Models that support HA
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⏱️ Timestamps ⏱️
00:00 Synology HA Tutorial
00:50 Synology HA Requirements
01:32 Demo Lab Setup
04:28 HA Cluster Setup
06:36 HA Cluster Failover Switching
10:42 HA Hard Failover Pulled Plug
#Synology #HighAvailablity #NAS
by Lawrence Systems
windows server dhcp
Lawrence Systems Synology Tutorials
Synology Models that support HA
⏱ Timestamps ⏱
00:00 Synology HA Tutorial
00:50 Synology HA Requirements
01:32 Demo Lab Setup
04:28 HA Cluster Setup
06:36 HA Cluster Failover Switching
10:42 HA Hard Failover Pulled Plug
Hello, nice video, can you help me with my arragement? y have two synology over 10.2 T heach HDD and 4 HDD in each NAS, i want to use HA but i need to know whats the best arragement in RAID, i lose a lot time using SHR that i find at the end cant work with HA, Thanks!.
Hi, do you need to assign IP addresses to the heartbeat connection for the 2 NAS?
hello, I have error The system partition layouts of the following drives on both server are incompatible:Drive1, Drive2, Drive3. I have RAID 10, Capacity and inserted slots are similar.
Tom which DAC cables were you using please?
Can I use hyper backup, snapshot replication within HA cluster ? If active server fails will replication, snapshoting work on passive server ?
Have you ever ran into any issues with iscsi restarting? My company ran the Synology HA a couple (maybe 5?) Years ago on dsm5, and anytime there was a data sync between the two units, it would either pause or restart iscsi which caused lots of problems for the 3 VM hosts we had connected. We a sfp+ 10g copper link between the two and gigE copper uplink to the switch for the servers. Caused so many issues that we ended up getting a different storage solution and sold the Synology units.
Does anyone know how or if you can install the agent dvr program on truenas core? I need it installed on there for my security cameras but I don't know how to install it or if it even can be done. Could someone help me out please?
Hi Tom, Greate ilustration ! It would be interesting if you simulate an outage on the Alpha Server.
Tom already mentioned the redundant switch issue, but what if the heartbeat connection fails? Does the heartbeat function then fail over to the switch connections? Do these boxes allow for a pair of redundant heartbeat connections? (Yeah, I know, a DAC is extremely unlikely to fail, but I'm just curious from an academic perspective.)
I still wonder how to upgrade from 6.x to 7.x when using HA. 😬 Using our Synology as a datastore in XCP-NG.
Is there any way to set this up with multiple sites over a VPN? So if one site loses power/connection, the other site will remain connected?
Can someone share some insights to how Synology is doing their ha? Are they using keepalived, drbd, Gluster, nfs-ganesha, pacemaker?
You forgot to setup the Quorum server.
Can one have a HA setup with TrueNas/FreeNas?
What is the procedure to replace or upgrade drives?
Nice video, thanks Tom. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, though, isn't it? Raid is not a backup, it just increases availability. Now we have a redundant raid storage, which also just increases availability. So we need another one of those NAS to store a backup, since any data corruption would also replicate straight to the other NAS. And then we still don't have an off-location backup, NAS no. 4. 🙈
I wonder how the big guys handle all those double, triple and more data needs and still sell the GB for pennies on the dollar. Sure looks like a humungous dollar sink. 😬
whats prob the best method for replication to a secondary site with a smaller NAS?
e.g. i have a DS1621+ but want to have a DS220+ at another site for important files that users at site can also access the same files that are replicated across the 2 NAS's
This is like RAID 110
On the face of it, Synology offers excellent feature. When we compare with TrueNas, this feature is missing. But hold on, if you have enabled snapshots and getting replicated another TrueNas Server, you are mostly done. The flexibility TrueNas offers that you can select the dataset's which needs replication, you have all the flexibility in the world when the syncing should be done. Another point is that you simply requires TrueNas on the other end, and while you are replicating, you can use replication server with other datasets of its own, making both TrueNas server are active at the same time. You can even replicate snapshots of both the servers simultaneously on one another [ both way ] . However, you can not create [ at least as of now ] one HA IP you will never get 100 % HA. To avail the replicated dataset on the other server, you need to mount the latest snapshot and set the permission. But that's thats trade off. However, to the best of my knowledge, you can set a true HA on Nas4Free using carp. [ Very similar to TrueNas but UI is confusing ] .
Corrections, if any, in above explanation , are most welcome.